HEADLINE - NH Governor Admits State Computers were HACKED -- AND The Feds FINE a NH Man for Giving Kids a Chance to Run Business

Yes! After checking their computers for the first time in SIX MONTHS, the Lynch Administration realized that they had been hacked, and the credit card numbers of NH citizens may have been stolen!

Efficient. Trustworthy. Addressable. Government.

In addition, Section B of the Union Leader reported on February 16 that Alex Ray, the owner of the Common Man Inns, was fined nearly $4,000 for starting a summer program for teens who wanted to learn how to run businesses. He ran afoul of federal 'child labor laws" that "protected" these kids from their own choices, which were also monitored by their folks. Hear more in this segment.

cover of Basic Economics: A Citizens Guide to the Economy, Revised and ExpandedBasic Economics: A Citizens Guide to the Economy, Revised and Expanded