Baltimore Announces City-Wide Survellance of Public Transit Riders' Conversations

Another case of what are called "unconstitutional conditions", wherein the government forces people to accept the destruction of their rights in order to get a so-called "service" from the government. In this case, it's the 4th Amendment. People might try to justify the actions by claiming that riders voluntarily board the buses. This is true. But taxpayers have no choice but to fund them. What if they want to ride that which they are forced to fund, and want to retain their rights?

And if one believes there is a place for this, as many believe there is a place for the unconstitutional and immoral TSA in airports, perhaps those people can ask themselves: "Who has been running the roads for decades?" Yep, the gub-ment. So the gub-ment could easily apply their "security" reationale to creating roadblocks, or driveway blocks. Want to use the government-run roads? Submit.



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