2011-03-07 rountable pod: my comments

User offline. Last seen 9 years 23 weeks ago.
Number 468
FUR3jr's picture
Conspirator for: 15 years 30 weeks
Posted on: March 9, 2011 - 11:31pm

When Steven Smith brought up the point of shunning when dealing with agents of the state.  There is a great article on the role shunning played in forming the Irish Republic.  During the years before the republic came into being there was a long boycott of service to the Royal Irish Constabulary, which essentially crippled the English police powers in the area, and increased their cost of doing business tremendous.  I recommend anyone in a service job to refuse service to any TSA agent or other agent of the state.  There is also another story of denial service to police officers in the Seattle area, at a left anarchist coffee shop, the name of which escapes me.

As for Girl Scout cookies, they may not necessarily be harmless, last year there was a recall associated with some of their cookies.  I bought 5 boxes, and unbenounced to me, so did my wife.  Time to hit the gym I guess.