How About A Podcast On The Advantages Of Succession

User offline. Last seen 12 years 2 weeks ago.
Number 531
Conspirator for: 15 years 17 weeks
Posted on: July 10, 2009 - 11:40am

Celebrate Secession!

In the words of my all time favorite libertarian hero Karl Hess, "Adolf Hitler as chancellor of Germany is a horror; Adolf Hitler at a town meeting would be an asshole.

An interesting article & the issue of succession, state's rights or devolved powers as its referred to here in Britain is something which elements of the right & left of the political spectrum will agree on. I do find it ironic that in the US succession or states rights' are something which gets more support from the right of the political spectrum where as here devolution of power as its coined here gets far more support from the left of the political spectrum.

Therefore I do think a podcast on advantages of communities & individuals choosing how they are governed rather then centralised government might be great idea; so long as its stated that devolving power gets support from across the political spectrum & that its explained why various political ideologies support devolving power.