Louis Theroux: The Ultra Zionists

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Number 741
Conspirator for: 13 years 28 weeks
Posted on: February 4, 2011 - 10:19am

Louis Theroux: The Ultra Zionists


I’m not the only one to be accusing the Israeli government of orchestrating an apartheid regime towards the Palestinians & in this documentary some of the comments expressed by Jewish settlers in the West Bank are reminiscent of White Afrikaners & the Apartheid regime.  


It is seriously disturbing when you have a Jewish settler say with a straight face that Palestinians are inferior to Jewish settlers, in fact when I heard that my jaw dropped in repulsion.


If there was ever an illustration of the repugnant consequences of nationalism it is the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. Here you have two groups fighting over land they both believe they have both to own & neither group seem to want to co-exist with the other group on an equal footing.


On the issue of Israel libertarians tend to say that no western government should be funding Israel & its done to the Israelis & Palestinians to sort out their differences.


If the US government ceased funding the Israeli state it would go some way to resolving the Israel/Palestinian conflict as I explained in this podcast I made with Gard.