When Do Protesters Ever Demonstrate For Greater Authoritarianism? Apparently Today In Copenhagen & Around The Globe!

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Number 531
Conspirator for: 15 years 15 weeks
Posted on: December 12, 2009 - 10:21am

Usually when people usually do protests & demonstrations they doing so in some kind of rebellion against authoritarian. Nazis & religious nuts who are authoritarians, but even when they do protesting & demonstrating they're doing so against what they perceive as authoritarianism whether it's cabal of Jewish bankers controlling the world economy or secular governance.

But the protests occurring in Copenhagen, London & elsewhere today are in fact protests purely for more authoritarianism. Yeah these aren't protests against the outcome of the Climate Conference being held in Copenhagen, being too authoritarian but in fact because the outcome is likely not be authoritarian enough.

Of course if you went down to any of these demonstrations & ask the protesters what they're demonstrating for, they're likely to tell you they're campaigning for the better world & they're campaigning for freedom.

Last time I checked freedom wasn't to be regulated & taxed to an even greater degree, which is exactly what those attending the Copenhagen conference is really about & climate change is merely but a front & leverage for greater authoritarianism. Yeah the governmental authoritarian shitheads think the environment & particularly the theory of man made climate change,  is the magic bullet for ever greater authoritarianism; because how can you argue against that you don't want a clean, safe & stable environment.

Well its kind of ridiculously idiotic for anybody would want to screw up the environment being as it's the same environment they depend upon to stay alive, therefore why can't people be left alone to get on with their own lives & be trusted took after their environment out the obvious self interest that if they don't look after what they rely on to exist they'd be seriously screwed.

Okay I can't deny that there haven't been corporations who factories & other facilities haven't polluted the region those factories & facilities are situated. But who has allowed them to do so? Government either by incompetence or by favour & do think those corporations who do pollute will being paying any new global environment tax? Err no they'll get exemption from their buddies in government; it's the way of corporatism to line the pockets of politicians...nudge-nudge...wink-wink.  What isn't needed to tackle this isn't even more government for corporations to bribe, no what is needed is a localized judicial system that corporations can't buy their way out of & normal citizens have a means of justice when corporations screw up their lives with pollution.

But the protesters who are demonstrating today for greater environment regulation really don't think about these things, they just think that hey if government did more then problem solved! They don't think that government doing more might in fact not do any good at all or more importantly whether in the first place there's a need for government to be regulating & taxing as much as governments do with the excuse that climate change is man made when its probably not.

Here's a fact many of the protesters won't of thought about...

Before the last ice age, the last time there was dramatic global climate change, there were no planes, no cars, no factories, there were no fossil fuels being burnt & yet there was climate change catastrophe, hmm seems if you don't do much then shit can happen & even if you do a lot then shit can still happen.

I know it might be patronising to say but its true to say that the vast of the majority of people demonstrating today for there to be more authoritarianism because they are young & very naïve & well one can hope that with age will come greater wisdom, that the ruling classes are bullshitting the masses, so they can keep on ruling with even greater control.

One thought with all this is where are the protesters demonstrating against global climate change? I'm not fucking Einstein & so anybody can work out what I've worked out & you'd think people would be demonstrating against this green authoritarianism. Maybe its because when somebody stands up & says something other then climate change is man made they get a bunch of eco protesters acting like the Hitler Youth & then don't like being told they have been acting like the Hitler Youth.