Tales from the Conspiracy

Dude When Are We Going To Do A Cultural Podcast

Gard dude its been almost six months since we first talked about it & so I'm just wondering if we are going to get around to it.

Sorry if it sounds like I'm nagging but its just I've been busting to do it for ages so I thought I should remind you.

Hoffman Serving 180 Days In Cheshire County Jail

I was just checking the news, and saw that Kurt Hoffman, inhabitant of New Hampshire (somewhere near Keene) has been sentenced to 180 days in a cage, as well as possibly a sustaining a broken neck, when the Town Cop Eli Rivera tried to stop Hoffman from hugging his wife before being incarcerated at Che Westmoreland.

This is the link provided by Dave Ridley .

As an aside, Kurt Hoffman is originally from Cape Cod, which is where I spent the first 20 years of my life (in this plane of existence).

My Chum Shovel Wants To Join The Libertarian Party

Here's me with my friend Shovel back in 2006

Anyways I got a call from Shovel today saying she's thinking of joining the Libertarian Party

Problem is that as long as I've known Shovel she's been on welfare & we all know how libertarians feel about folk on welfare

However its obvious as to why Shovel is on welfare being as they're a post op transsexual & they're appearance unfortunately probably puts some employers off & there ain't a lot Shovel really can do about it.

Anyways I advised Shovel not to join & I think I advised her correctly.

Rand Paul

Personally I don't think working within the system is worth all that much, however I felt compelled to listen to interviews with Rand Paul.  I was hoping to hear a clone of Ron Paul ,someone of the same mindset, or quite possibly someone who would even take the issues a little bit further.  I've heard Rand being interviewed before, and I was hoping he was holding back.  However after hearing the interview he had done with Mark Edgington from FTL it was obvious to me.  He is not like his father and he does not adhere to the same principles.  It seems as if he is only riding the coat tails of his father.

Anti Gun Control Petition


Okay though this is anti gun control petition on the Downing Street website it can be signed by anybody with an email address, so it doesn't have to be signed by just UK citizens & from what I've been told by the individual who set up the petition the more who sign this petition the higher the petition gets ranked. Higher ranking = more exposure to the issue. There is no way anybody would believe this petition will result in the liberalisation of UK gun laws but it could give more exposure to the issue & so I ask that people send & post the relevant info about this petition.

Anyone notice if drug busts are on the rise?

I don't know if I'm only becoming more aware of these stories since I've gotten deeper into the liberty movement or is the war on drugs escalating because in my area there were three major marijuana growing busts and another arrest involving dealers that actually got money HUD for the apartment. Now an old lady in Indiana gets arrested for buying cold medication http://www.reason.com/blog/show/136361.html 

wrist bands

Are you an activist?  Do you risk yourself being arrested for freedom?  Wear a pair of wrist sweat bands!  I use a wrist sweat band cause at work my mouse pad was bugging my wrist, it solved the problem.  One night I forgot to take it off when I went to the bar, I ended up getting thrown in hand cuffs later on that evening.  One of the cops says "look he's got hand cuff pads", it was true I didn't even feel the cuffs on that wrist. Armor for Activism should make wrist bands .. or do they..?  Anyhoo I just figured it would be some good advise.... rock on!

420 in keene

Hey all, many of you probably know about the civil disobedience happening in Keene, NH.

What is in Keene is truly remarkable.  For the past three days at 4:20 PM, as many as 100 people have gathered in Central Square to smoke marijuana in the open.  To the credit of the Keene Police Department, they have done nothing to stop this from happening.

Of course, I expect that they don't want to draw the ire of even more advocates of freedom, and perhaps spur them to congregate and activate in their locale.

What do I expect to happen?

Gotta Get 'Em When They're Young

Lyrics of songs taught to and performed by school children in a New Jersey elementary school:

Song 1:
Mm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama

He said that all must lend a hand
To make this country strong again
Mmm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama

He said we must be fair today
Equal work means equal pay
Mmm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama

He said that we must take a stand
To make sure everyone gets a chance
Mmm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama

He said red, yellow, black or white
All are equal in his sight
Mmm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama

Ron Paul On Healthcare

Health Care Reform Is More Corporate Welfare
By Ron Paul
Published 09/19/09

Straw moots heroin prescription


Prescribing heroin on the NHS may be the best way to treat the "most problematic" addicts, Jack Straw says.

The justice secretary's comments follow trials which showed big reductions in the use of street drugs and crime.

"It may be the best means of reducing the harm they do to themselves, and of stamping out the crime and disorder they inflict," the Blackburn MP said.

Writing in the Lancashire Telegraph, he says the potential benefits of trying alternative approaches are huge.


Sarkozy to press for 'Tobin Tax'


Sarkozy to press for 'Tobin Tax'

French President Nicolas Sarkozy will urge fellow G20 leaders to introduce a special tax to reduce risky behaviour by banks, the BBC has learned.

Mr Sarkozy wants a levy known as a Tobin Tax to be applied to every financial transaction.

The move is aimed at cutting excessively speculative trades and encouraging long-term decision-making.

But senior EU officials told the BBC that the chances of getting a global agreement were "less than minimal".

Double dose of economic lunacy: UK + France

Story 1: Happiness: The New Currency In France



Story 2: British Unemployment Hits 14-Year High



Gard, you might like this for your show, even as a sound clip... UK Solution to unemployment:



Muse band member Matt Bellamy advocates taxation as file sharing solution



I was looking forward to picking up the new album, but it looks like my money might be better spent with an artist not advocating for more government.



Podcast music

I've heard some really cool music at the beginning and ends of the podcasts.

I wonder if you could let us know what band and song it is somewhere in the forum or main page.

I'm always on the hunt for new tunes.

Fasces on Capital Hill

Fasces flank Obama

What great symbolism in this picture from President Obama's speech on health care before the Congress.  First, notice the placement of the term "IN GOD WE TRUST" over the figures of the statist deities.  Yes, folks, government is a religion.

Then, we have the fasces that flank this malevolent trinity.  A little about fasces from wikipedia.org:

'Doctors told me it was against the rules to save my premature baby'


Doctors left a premature baby to die because he was born two days too early, his devastated mother claimed yesterday.

Sarah Capewell begged them to save her tiny son, who was born just 21 weeks and five days into her pregnancy  -  almost four months early.

They ignored her pleas and allegedly told her they were following national guidelines that babies born before 22 weeks should not be given medical treatment.

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