UK Politicians and Government-Funded "Firms" Propose Reduction in "Greenhouse" Foods!

The eco-scammers continue, unabated. This time, the bogus "Carbon Trust", a "Firm" started and funded through government (ie legalized theft), and UK politicians want companies to "publish their carbon footprints". Should they consider that C02 has not been linked as causal for so-called "anthrpogenic global warming"? Seems they missed that part. How about methane and sheep burps? How about the idea that global warming fascists can't even tell people how much methane is in the air naturally and how much is put in the atmosphere by man?

And even if one were to consider that methane produced by man's activities were a "major cause of global warming", how about considering other factors? Hmm... Like the fact that the livestock they accuse of warming the globe with methane emissions also require the growth of grasses and other CO2 consuming plants? In their twisted and unscientific world-view, this would e beneficial to stopping global warming. Growing the plants would be good, and would offset the methane?

And how does the Professor, from Gilligan's Island factor into the Global Warming equation? Surely he's having an effect? Isn't he?

The whole argument is fraught with mitakes and assumptions that exist in order to give government mre power to control peoples' lives.

But enjoy the article! Oh, and watch the attached video for propaganda the fascist way! Be Seeing You!