11-15! UK to Require 53 Answers Prior to Air Travel, Lynch's $660,000 Pander Ploy, Rarely Discussed Tax Burdens, Archer Mayor!

Hey! You have an open invite to join Gardner Goldsmith on ATG for November 15, during which he will dive into some preeeety interesting issues.

He plans on talking about the tax burden in the US -- even as politicians discuss possibly increasing the estate tax. Take a look at this piece, which tells readers some of the "hidden" taxes they pay! http://articles.moneycentral.msn.com/Taxes/CutYourTaxes/HiddenTaxesYouPa...

Gard will also cover a frightening increase in the police state in the UK, where the government plans on forcing air travelers to answer 53 -- that's FIFTY-THREE -- personal questions before they get permission to step aboard a plane. Here is the link http://articles.moneycentral.msn.com/Taxes/CutYourTaxes/HiddenTaxesYouPa...

Gard will also welcome well-known (and excellent!!) crime fiction writer Archer Mayor, whose new hardcover, "CHAT" is wowing readers like Gard himself. Archer is embarking on an extensive tour of NH, so visit his website to see when he will be at a location near you! Just go to www.archermayor.com CHECK OUT HIS BOOKS!

Those interesting items, plus, Gard's reminder about NH Governor John Lynch's attempt to get $660,000 in federal cash to hand it out to people who will lose their jobs at a paper mill. Did we REALLY form gub-ment to try to alleviate the suffering caused by the loss of a job or other naturally occurring phenomena? Nope. And what is the standard by which one measures WHEN the gbub-ment gets involved and whnen it doesn't? This paper mill employed 300 people, and the Guv's action got TV news coverage and made him look "caring". But he's "caring" with other peoples' money, and why doesn't he go into action for, say, 5 employees who might lose their jobs else, or ONE? It seems as if it is only when large numbers of people are going to lose their jobs, and "doing something to help" will get him publicity, that the Guv sweeps into action, cape flying behind him. Check the link, baby:

Oh, and by the way, the NH Executive Council just approved an intellectually corrupt plan to increase broadband access for private citizens in NH. Yeah, you got it, the NH government's gonna get ye faster computer porn. Nice. http://www.wcax.com/Global/story.asp?S=7363661&nav=menu183_2

AND! If you haven't gotten Gardner Goldsmith's first book, "LIVE FREE or DIE", GRAB IT! Gard reported on the air that he was only five slots behind that leftie, pinko, NPR, granola-eating, "quaint" and incredibly arrogant radio guy Garrison Keillor's latest book! Help push the freedom movement ahead. It would be a great achievement for the little book that could! Hit the link in our banner to get a copy, or, better yet, two, to plan for the holidays with friends!

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