Do Environmentalists Want to Ban Fireworks... And, Little-known Facts About the NJ Budget Crisis

If one were to listen only to the pop media, he would get the impression that NJ governor John Corzine was standing firm against an income tax, as if he were opposed to placing such a burden on his people in order to make up for a $4.5 billion budget deficit. But what the pop media "reporters" don't report is that Corzine is simply in favor of a different way to take money from the citizens. He wants a sales tax.

Regardless of the brand of poison, the tax ideas are pernicious. Majority sanctioned theft is still theft. But, of course, don't expect the pop media to make this observation. Don't expect them to note one of the major reasons New Jersey is in this financial mess, which is due to the fact that NJ, like New Hampshire and more than thirty other states, was targeted by educrats for a lawsuit that would centralize education funding decisions in the state. This has brought about an explosion in education costs for NJ, NH, Texas, New York, VT, CT, and all the other states where the education establishment and leftist legal community have joined forces to destroy local control of schools.

This segment from "Against the Grain" covers this fact, and delves into a new rumor that environmental groups are plotting to ban fireworks on Independence Day.