Jacob Hornberger, President of the Future of Freedom Foundation, on the Sentencing of Zacharias Moussaoui pt 2

On February 6, 2006, Moussaoui went before a jury to find out his punishment for involvement in the 2001 terrorist attacks on Americans. The fact that Moussaoui is in a criminal court, rather than a military court, signifies that he is being prosecuted as a criminal, rather than a war criminal. The Bush Administration had wanted to prosecute him as an "enemy combatant", in a military court. But federal judges disagreed. As Jacob Hornberger notes, this distinction is very important. It signifies whether or not we are at war, wheter we are still US citizens with rights under the law, or, due to Congress declaring a non-war, and the Bush Administration pushing for the same, we can all be subject to arbitrary government treatment.

Mr. Hornberger is a well known columnist and speaker on contemporary issues, history and economics. His work has appeared in publications such as the "Washington Post", the "Charlotte Observer", "La Prensa San Diego", and "El Nuevo Miami Herald", and Jacob has been a featured commentator on Fox News' Neil Cavuto and Greta van Sustern programs. To see more of his work, visit www.FFF.org. The Conspiracy highly recommends signing up for the "Freedom Daily' publication of FFF.

This is part two of three.

cover of The Dangers of Socialized MedicineThe Dangers of Socialized Medicine
cover of The Case for Free Trade and Open ImmigrationThe Case for Free Trade and Open Immigration
cover of The Failure of America's Foreign WarsThe Failure of America's Foreign Wars
cover of The Tyranny of Gun ControlThe Tyranny of Gun Control
cover of Liberty, Security, and the War on TerrorismLiberty, Security, and the War on Terrorism