Leftists Unite Behind Criticism of the TERRIBLE -- and Nonexistent -- Cuts in the New Budget

The trouble is, there ARE no real cuts, just slower growth in domestic spending: sure, you know, the "Constitutional" programs like farm subsidies, welfare, medicare, medicaid, highway spending, OSHA, the FDA, AMTRAK, PBS. Shall we continue? We certainly could! And what a pleasure it would be.

Hear the statist economic argument in favor of more taxation and redistribution of wealth, with Josh Lynn, a research associate attached to the Center for American Progress, in Washington, DC.

The most recent presentation of the "progressive" logic can be found in this piece co-authored by Mr. Lynn and CAP's Robert Gordon.

cover of The Politically Incorrect Guide(tm) to American History (Politically Incorrect Guides)The Politically Incorrect Guide(tm) to American History (Politically Incorrect Guides)