NYC Citizens Are Told About al Queda Cyanide Attack Plan -- Three Years Later!

According to Ron Suskind, author of the new book "The One Percent Doctrine", al Queda had plans to attack the NYC tube system with cyanide gas. The plan was thwarted, not by the Homeland Security Department, and the millions they take from us in tax dollars, but because al Zawahiri called it off. It was only discovered by an independent reporter, three years after it happened.

This inspires reasonable people to wonder about the proper role of the federal government in combating homeland terror, and if one were to find a constitutional rationale for federal control of such security matters, to wonder if letting the feds handle so many cities is really feasable.

These questions have not stopped politicians like NY Senator Chuck Schumer from claiming that this new terror story, which is three years old, indicates that the federal government ought not cut funds given to municipalities for "homeland security" purposes. One look at past "Homeland Security" grants shows that the grants often have les to do with security than they do with politics. Welcome to the world of government.

Note: Disney World is answerable for missing things like terror threats. The resort stands or falls on its own merit. Government fails to stop a terror threat, and what does it get to do? Ask for more money.