Post-Heathrow Bomb Arrests, Homeland Security Sec Chertoff Claims Skies Are 'Safe', and Takes Credit for UK Intel

As mentioned in the previous article, soon after the announcement of the arrests of 24 people in the UK for suspicion of being involved in a terror plot to kill thousands of people on international flights, US Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff told reporters and the world that the skies were safe for air travel. This was, of course, absurd, belied by the fact that the terror threat was at its highest for international flights, and just below that for domestic flights. Mr. Chertoff has had plenty of time to try to protect people from liquid explosives, yet offered empty excuses about "modalities" and the difficulty of anticipating threats.

In the following segments from 'Against the Grain', covering Friday, August 11, and Monday, August 14, we will put Mr. Chertoff on the stand in his own trial, within the court of public opinion.

You be the judge as to whether you trust this, or any, bureaucrat to protect you, or that there might be a better way: privatization.