Soundbites to Remember -- Chuck Schumer on Gas Prices

Chuck Schumer, the senior Senator from New York (makes one wish we could disown that state) does George Bush one better in the hypocrasy department as he questions the morals of gas suppliers and oil companies.

This, of course, coming from a guy who gets an AUTOMATIC pay increase in the Senate unless he votes against it. This coming from the guy who never mentioned trying to cut the 69 Cents per gallon that the federal and state governments impose on us at the pump, or the regulations that have virtually stopped all off-shore drilling near the US, or the regulations that make it so expensive to refine oil here in the US that it has become more economically efficient to refine it in other countries. We haven't built a new refinery in the US since 1976, but Chuck Schumer doesn't mention this in his harangue.

One wonders why...

Ever seen a clown in a three piece suit?

By the way, Chuck Schumer was just quotted by AP as having said it is shameful that "China has higher fuel efficiency standards than the US."


It is shameful that the US allows auto consumers to make more choices free from government dictate? Would he like us to regulate peoples' lives more? Why don't we just make cars out of balsa wood? Then they'd be REALLY light!

This is Mr. Schumer's website, in case you would like to call and say "hello"...