Bills to Watch in New Hampshire

With the return of the politicians to Concord, and the new session of the General Court, Conspirators may want to keep track of certain important bills.

A few we can recommend have appeared thanks to Manchester Representative Barbara Hagan. Barbara has proposed FNA 1473, which would, for one year, reduce the NH gasoline tax from18 Cents per gallon, to 9 Cents per gallon. As Barbara has said (see the interview from "Against the Grain"), her associates in the House semed mystified by the idea that the state should take less money out of the productive economy, especially at a time when gas prices are high. She also noted that the contractors and sub-contractors who work on NH road projects were vociferously opposed to the bill. Not surprising, since their projects are reliant on an ever-expanding tax stream taken from NH citizens.

Representative Hagan has also proposed HB 1599, which would reduce the Business Profits Tax from the current 8.5% to 6.5%, inspiring more economic growth in NH, and providing a greater incentive for businesses to move to the state. The bill would also repeal the Business Enerprise Tax, which was established to "fill the gaps" of the BPT, which did not apply to certain "service" businesses, such as law offices.

Conspirators "Number One", "Number Two", and "Number Six" would like to recommend these bills for your consideration. They would also like to bring to your attention HB 1177, proposed by Hampton Representative Sheila Franceour, which would impose a ban on smoking in all private establishments open to the public in NH. Please note its anti-liberty, anti-market orientation, and consider contacting your representatives and senators to oppose the bill.

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Number 1929
Conspirator for: 9 years 3 weeks
Posted on: April 30, 2015 - 7:17pm #1

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