Fannie Mae Seeks $7.8 Billion MORE - Even While Pop Media "Financial Advisors" Say It's Doing "Well"...

One such 'advisor' reported to the Wall Street Journal Radio report that Fannie looked like it did well last quarter.

Insane and corrupt.

And now, Fannie (despite the fact that it HAS NO MONEY), wants to help push the Obama H.A.R.P. plan, and buy portions of other lenders' loans at restructured rates. MORE LOSSES SUBSIDIZED BY TAX MONEY.

It is odd, though, how statists in the D and R camps don't seem to make the connection between government subsidies, artifically low interest rates from the fed, and government policies forcing banks to give loans to people who can't afford them. They also don't see how those obnoxious interventions led to disaster by inspiring too many loans, too many houses to be built, and too many DEFAULTS.


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