Feds Buying MILLIONS of Pounds of US Made Dry Milk and Butter, to Prop Up Prices for Farmers and to....

... make it more expensive for consumers to buy milk products. Nothing like the classic MO of gubment taking peoples' tax money to buy something the people aren't buying 'enough of" in the eyes of the politicians. Since there is an abundance of milk products out there compared to the demand, the price should be going DOWN for consumers. In a free market, such low demand forces suppliers to change their production levels, decreasing the supply to better reflect the demand, and allowing the farmers' resources in time and labor, etc., to be better applied to other endeavors. In the end, the price and supply, and the application of effort, will reach a sustainable level both for producers and consumers, leaving not only extra time and resourcs for the farmer, but extra monetary resources for the consumer to devote to other products even while getting their milk products.

Here is a quote:

"The government has bought 238 million pounds of nonfat dry milk powder to help dairy farmers. In the spirit of wanting to help dairy farmers I bought a container of powdered milk. It doesn't say whether it is imported or domestic!"


With the government stepping in, all that happens is that the politicians act as new bidders, raising the prices of the item, and forcing consumers to have to spend more on something, leaving them with LESS left over to spend on other products! This is backwards, a cave-man mentality that does not recognize productivity as beneficial.

Read the meandering thoughts of this Daily KOS writer (obviously, the site is hard-core socialist), and see how the writer even forces HIMSELF/HERSELF to pay more for something due to the mistaken belief that buying from foreign producers is destructive to the US economy as a whole.

One more note: If one follows the writer's so-called logic, then perhaps one should only buy local, rather than buying products from over state lines. So if your state is a bad place for growing peaches, and they cost a lot more due to that, and you could get them from Georgia for less, you should NOT do so, pay more, have less left over, and enjoy that... expanding economy you have in your state? Hmmm... That's right, it won't expand, because you continue to devote resources to non-productive endeavors and dont' haev anything left over to spend on new products. You have to work HARDER to get what you want, limting your ability to expand your economy. Ohhhh, yeah, you could also just hit yourself in the foot! That would be just as good.

This story was covered by FOX News on Sunday, June 7, and the reporter said that the federal govenment was "helping" farmers. Never mentioned the feds were HURTING consumers and making them work harder for the things they need.

Here are two articles that need dissectin'. Be Seeing You!


Another, before the legislation passed. What a surprise that Tom Harkin would be involved! Hark! We hear the sound of socialism!
