Fmr. Pakistani PM Bhutto Assassinated, Schmuckabee's Record, and... BIG News for the Intellect!

Today, it was confirmed that former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto was assassinated, leaving lots of fingers being pointed at President Parvez Mushariff, and how he handled security. He is even being accused of the murder, although most believe the killing was an al-queda operation to kill one pro-westerner and take out Mushariff politically at the same time. Gard will talk to Jed Babbin about the situation, and you can read more at

Also, Gard will study Mike Huckabee's record in-depth, just like he studied John McCain on Wednesday. Check it out!

Finally, and perhaps most important for the satisfaction of conspirators, Gard would like you to know that the great Ian Bernard, of has completed a monumental project, an AUDIO Book version of "The Market for Liberty", by Morris and Linda Tannehill. This classic of free-market thought explains why the state in all its incarnations, is evil, and why market solutions and creations are more efficient, more moral, and can bring about greater amity between individuals. Government is unnecessary, and this book, now in AUDIO form for FREE DOWNLOAD, explains it beautifully! Listen to Ian Bernard read "The Market for Liberty" NOW! ... by clicking this link!