My Pet fish

User offline. Last seen 9 years 41 weeks ago.
Number 468
FUR3jr's picture
Conspirator for: 15 years 49 weeks
Posted on: May 21, 2009 - 9:04pm

Yesterday my pet, a Japanese Fighting Fish died.  His name was Ronald (a.k.a. The Swimming Ronald).  He was named after my friend Ronald Levine (a.k.a. The Walking Ronald).  He lived almost a year in various spaghetti jars, and finally resided in a half gallon jar which had formely housed some delicious artichoke hearts.

Today is a new day, and I'm very glad to have a beautiful new Japanese Fighting Fish.  My children and I have named him.

His name is MOTHYSPACE.

I shall post a photo at the earliest opportunity.

User offline. Last seen 13 years 34 weeks ago.
Number 553
Conspirator for: 15 years 25 weeks
Posted on: May 22, 2009 - 12:53pm #1

RIP, Ronald :(

WELCOME to FURB-ville, Mothyspace! :)

The HOO-HAAs have some fish, Furb. We have four goldfish, who have lasted over a year, now, in a lovely little tank of filtered water.

My advice for successful fish-keeping is to feed them little and seldom. Ours get fed about twice a week - if even.


User offline. Last seen 13 years 34 weeks ago.
Number 553
Conspirator for: 15 years 25 weeks
Posted on: May 22, 2009 - 12:56pm #2

Oh, and their names?

Huffy Boldfish, Zombie, Stumpy Head and... er... the last one doesn't have a name. He replaced the dearly departed Emo.

You'll notice that I thank them on the back of my book, Furb, along with Anton LaVey, Satan and the FTL boys lol

User offline. Last seen 9 years 41 weeks ago.
Number 468
FUR3jr's picture
Conspirator for: 15 years 49 weeks
Posted on: May 22, 2009 - 7:14pm #3

My brother and his wife have a pleco named Captain Suck-it!

User offline. Last seen 7 years 20 weeks ago.
Number 545
mothyspace's picture
Conspirator for: 15 years 30 weeks
Posted on: May 28, 2009 - 5:37am #4

I feel as if I've been honoured in some way, thanks furb.



I used to be the man. Until I decided to stick it to myself - mothyspace
A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves. – Edward R. Murrow