National Guard gets long time employee fired.

User offline. Last seen 12 years 6 weeks ago.
Jackie Fiest
Number 727
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Conspirator for: 13 years 35 weeks
Posted on: March 29, 2011 - 11:03pm

This is so dumb.

So, the National Guard are people who fight to protect to protect "freedom", right? Freedom of speech, perhaps?

Bullshit. It's okay only as long as they like it.

At a WWE house show recently, a wrestler who goes by The Miz interrupted a rendition of the National Anthem. It was done on purpose as part of a show to get people mad at The Miz. They are always doing things to make people mad at The Miz, he's a feel FFS.

Anyway, someone at the Guard got their panties in a bunch over it. The producer of the show, a guy who wrestles under the name of Fit Finlay, was fired over it. (The Guard are a sponsor of the WWE right now.) It's worth pointing out Finlay has been with the company since 2001.

I have to disagree with the WWE on this. Vince McMahon and the WWE were very quick to scream freedom of speech when he was wanting to hand out WWE merch near polling places when his wife Linda was running for senate. But, Finlay is being soley fired for something that invovled several people? BS.

You'd think a bunch of "military" guys would have a bit thicker skin.

I went to a live WWE show recently, and I didn't stand up during the national anthem. As a result, two guys spent half the show throwing popcorn and ice at me.


Jackie Fiest

User offline. Last seen 12 years 4 weeks ago.
Number 632
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Posted on: March 31, 2011 - 6:01am #1

From what I've seen, active duty military personnel care very little for wrestling.  In general they are more interested in UFC and MMA. 

People in the NG are very different from active duty.  When you are on active duty, you pretty much hang around your co-workers all the time (because you are often far from home) or a couple friends you meet at bars, so they don't care too much about your military experience.  The NG however, spend most of their time in the civilian world (as we like to call it) and it is a much stronger part of their identity.

The NG has a much stronger nationalistic fervor than active duty guys have, but that might be because they've seen the system enough to see all its immense flaws and decided to just put up with it.

And the throwing popcorn & ice, it really shows you the maturity level of those people.  I have my own little red badge of courage in those situations because I can actually respond to them with a little bit of my own experiences.

User offline. Last seen 12 years 6 weeks ago.
Jackie Fiest
Number 727
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Conspirator for: 13 years 35 weeks
Posted on: March 31, 2011 - 11:07pm #2

Those guys weren't going to ruin my night. I just ignored them. There are two particular wrestlers that this was the first time I had ever seen them in person after waiting a long. time. screw those guys. They eventually backed off anyway....even smiled at me as we were leaving. Wierd. 

It's sad the NG is pulling that kind of stuff with those they sponsor. It's another reason I wish the WWE would drop them. I can think of plenty of others who wouldn't mind advertising to the 18=49 male demographic.