oh the irony

User offline. Last seen 6 years 31 weeks ago.
Number 821
static_free's picture
Conspirator for: 12 years 10 weeks
Posted on: March 15, 2012 - 9:03pm


The “great experiment”, the democratic republic that continues to exist under a unifying constitution granting liberties and freedoms to all, even to regular schmucks like us. This union of independent states, where a fed up populace once told a tyrant king to “suck eggs dude, we got this”. 

America, the land of the free, has somehow managed to survive long enough to see a day when technology has advanced to the point where we literally could pull it off. With all the interwebs and email and whatnot, one could imagine that anyone interested could log on to castmyvote.gov and have an actual role in the decision making goes into running a country.

So maybe you wouldn’t care so much about what color the walls in the men’s bathroom at the Capitol Building should be, but hypothetically, wouldn’t it be nice to have your voice heard on issues like debt ceilings and wars in foreign lands? Decisions where we all have some skin in the game? Instead of writing an angry letter (that may or may not be read) to your Senator or Congressman telling them what you think and how you HOPE they vote, we could just bypass the middle man and do it direct.

The technology exists. If we really REALLY wanted to, we could be practicing Jefferson’s wet dream of literal self governance today. I keep hearing that the more people are involved in the process, the better it is.  Why does it seem like the type of involvement they are talking about has nothing to do with what I actually want (or don’t want) from my government?

How ironic is it that this “by the people/for the people” government of ours makes sure the indoctrination centers teach us that a crack pot idea like this would never work? How ironic is it that our own government seeks to control, regulate, and repress the very technologies that could make this founding ideal into reality? How ironic is it that posting a crazy idea such as this can potentially land me on some list that identifies me as an enemy of the state? Just what the hell are they scared of anyway?


static free

User offline. Last seen 9 years 22 weeks ago.
Number 468
FUR3jr's picture
Conspirator for: 15 years 29 weeks
Posted on: March 16, 2012 - 11:11am #1


I have heard of a european municipality having wikibased ordinances, where statutes are published on a wiki that anyone can edit.  My recollection is rather foggy, but it would be cool if there was a list of rules that we all agreed to follow.  If anyone disagreed with a statute, then they could just remove it from the wiki.

I enjoyed your post.  Thanks for sharing!