Georgetown U 'Law' Professor Says - Time to Give Up on the Constitution

Yep. What's funny about this one is that they guy doesn't like the rules for the country putting things into the hands of "lawyers" and "judges". But he still supports the state, which has as its foundation a series of laws and those who write them and a so-called "justice" system that upholds those laws. He seems to love his selective application of the kinds of laws he likes. If it's a law "by the people" that is contrary to the rules of the government as written in the Constitution, and he would rather not try to AMEND the Constitution? He would rather just have the law. Pushaw to the lawyers when we have to get the Constitution involved. But what happens to the people who then run afoul of his plebiscite laws? Yeah, you guessed it, they have to appear in COURTS with LAWYERS in front of other LAWYERS (paid through taxation) to defend themselves against breaking this law.


Seems he likes lawyers afterall, doesn't he?


The final thing to note about his statement is that the Constitution doesn't REALLY apply to anyone because it was a contract written and signed by people FOR others, forced on others. No one can sign a contract for someone else without his express permission to do so, and no one can sign a contract for generations yet unborn. As Lysandeer Spooner has pointed out, the Constitution, as a matter of contract law, has no authority over anyone (unless one might make an argument that only the politicians who swear an oath to uphold it have an obligation to do so.)


Here is the story:


Watch the vid! Be Seeing You!