From GG... Re the Prez's Victory Speech

A few hours prior to the Prez's victory speech, I joked to my sister that he might call America a "family", then said, "when did I have kids?"... As quaint and comfortable as this kind of rhetoric sounds, it has nothing to do with government. If Romney had said the same thing, would the Dems be feeling the same kind of warm glow? Of course not. This kind of gestalt rhetoric is pathetic and

dangerous, but, sadly, not beneath many voters, who eat it up.

The vast majority of adults begin families voluntarily, and when they choose to NOT have kids, they should not be forced by law to pay for other people's kids -- or other people's anything. Morality and neighborliness can only be shown through voluntary action. They're not shown when a person elected by a bit more than half of the people who voted, forces others to live as he desires they live, be it life according to Barack Obama or Mittens Romney. Obama talked about "tolerance". Will he be "tolerant" of people who would like to retain their earnings? Romney tried to play the same game. Would he have been "tolerant" of Muslims in Afghanistan, or would he have hit them with drones and assassinations, like the current Prez? Euphemisms and how they are accepted are fascinating things. Too bad they're so predictable!