House Follows senate in Passing EXPANSION of Unconstitutional and Unethical SCHIP - Socialized Medicine Takes Another Step Up

House Votes to Expand Child Health Insurance

Washington Post Staff Writers
Thursday, January 15, 2009; Page A06

The House easily approved an expansion of government health coverage for low-income children yesterday, a top priority for President-elect Barack Obama and the first in a series of stalled measures expected to move quickly through the Democratic Congress as President Bush leaves office.

Obama hailed the 289 to 139 vote and nudged the Senate to act with the "same sense of urgency so that it can be one of the first measures I sign into law when I am president."...


Gard discussed this in detail in his audio from Jan 12, 2009, so feel free to take a listen!

Here is the link to the rest of the article:

And here is good information from the founder of the Institute for Health Freedom, as written for the Foundation for Economic Education, about SCHIP and its malicious effects:

Be Seeing You!