NH Sen Ayotte Was AGAINST Filibuster to Stop Unconstitutional Gun Buyer/Seller Mandates

Is there a portion of "... the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed" that she has trouble comprehending?



One does not spout flowery language about "robust debate" when the issue is a matter of principle and is spelled out clearly in the Constitution. There is no need to debate a clearly illegal proposal, Ms. Ayotte. If a bill had been proposed to allow for the indefinite detention of Japanese Americans, without the recourse to habeas trials, would she have said a "robust debate and vote were necessary, or would she have said the bill needs to be stopped because it is a clear infrigement on the Constitution? Oh, wait, she helped write the NDAA law that gives the executive branch the power to idefinitely detain ANY US citizen or foreigner without trial. Whoops. We seem to have not helped her here...

How about this as a possibility: If there were a bill that would force any American who wanted to travel on a plane to submit to the infringement of his right against unwarranted searches, would she say it should be allowed to go for a vote, or would she acknowledge before any vote that it was unconstitutional and try to stop it any way possible?

Yeah, you guessed it. She'd let the things "move forward".

One does not appear "reasonable" by repeatedly resorting to the facade of "robust debate" and "hearing all sides" when a proposal is so blatently immoral and illegal. When Hitler wanted to confiscate the guns of jews, would a person like Ayotte have said, "Hmm, let's talk about it. I think we should hear his argument"?This bill is not confiscation. It is merely a blatant infringement of the 4th Amendment, and could lead to possible seizure or arrest of those buying or selling guns if they do not operate according to politicians' mandates. Such a situation, created by this bill, runs so contrary to the US Constitution that to "hear all sides on it" if fatuous and unrealistic.


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