As US Gubment Raises Debt Ceiling, So RISE Expectations for Price of Precious Metals

As free market economists have BEEN SAYING FOREVER...:)

The feds are trying to put out their fire with gasoline.

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Raw Foods Raided AGAIN, This Time by ARMED AGENTS

The owners of this PRIVATE company that doesn't do INTERSTATE COMMERCE (and even if it did, it wouldn't fall under the original meaning of the Constitutions "interstate commerce clause") are being charged with CONSPIRACY!

You think, as fellow Conspirator, Furb, mentioned off air, that we ought to send them some Liberty Conspiracy shirts or show up at their trial wearing some, handing them out to help "ward off the chill"? :)


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Our Friend, Author Leslie Banks, Has Died.

She was a gracious person and talented writer. She came down with a very deadly form of cancer. Rest in peace, LA Banks.


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As Expected, US House Passes a "Debt Ceiling Increase" Bill THAT HAS NO REAL CUTS

So get this. The budget prior to these supposed "cuts" was going to rise 8% on average per year for the next TEN years. Forget the fact that each Congress is only supposed to pass spending bills that apply to its term, and forget that the supposed "cuts" were back-loaded until ten years down the line. The budget will still go up 6% a year, COMPOUNDED, and they call that a "DECREASE", a "CUT"?

Meanwhile, taxes will be raised through elimination of certain "loopholes". So the government spends MORE and takes MORE.

Anyone think the politicians have "sacrificed"?


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TSA Readies "Behavior Detection" and "Chats" at Airports - Oh, boy.

So, what happens if you get approached by a "chatty" government cronie/thug/molester/porn-screener/"dutiful-employee" and you respond by asking him to tell you where he derives the constitutional authority to break the 4th Amendment? Is that considered trouble?

How about if you just keep your Ipod playing as he talks to you?

How about you pretend you're hard of hearing, just to piss him off?

Chances are, you're gonna have a problem.

Thuggish I.C.E. Agents Raid University of Northern VA - Foreigners Unwelcome

So, since the US Constitution only gives Congress the power to set up rules regarding NATURALIZATION, where, exactly, does this agency derive its power?

Guess it doesn't matter. Gotta stop those evil foreign people.


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An Excellent Piece on US Debt/Bonds/Spending/Defaults by Sheldon Richman

We'd like to tell you to "enjoy", but the subject isn't something that lends itself to enjoyment. Nonetheless, enjoy Sheldon's great insight and clarity!!!

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Norway Slaughter: Nobody Had Firearms Ready Except the Killer

This is the kind of thing that the book "More Guns, Less Crime" spells out clearly: when governments infringe on the individual right to keep and bear arms, they make it much easier for those intent on violence to carry out their plans.

Notice how this article from the statist NYT stresses how strange it is that the POLICE don't have firearms at the ready, while overlooking the fact that if any of the CIVILIANS had firearms, as they have a RIGHT to do, there would have been an even greater deterrent against attack. Isn't it amazing how statists seem to only see functions of their pet, gubment, as those to which people can turn? They completely overlook individuals themselves.

During Heat Wave, Chicago Gubment Schools Force Kids to Attend, Take Tests

This one relfects a mor general problem. How many of you Conspirators had to suffer through those "end of the school year" tests and classes as the temps rose higher and higher in class, WHILE THE ADMINISTRATORS SAT IN AIR CONDITIONING?!


Yeah, it's nearly 100%.


Check out this story. We'd love to get your comments for a future audio production!


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Fed Court Rules TSA Scanners Do Not run Afoul of Constitution

They hinge their decision on the word "reasonable", which is refered to in the Constitution, in the 4th Amendment, in which it is written:

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.


Mentally Handicapped Child Left in Sweltering Heat on Gubment School Bus

Now, let's see... if this were a private company, they would be sued, and would lose business as well... but this is the gubment, so... A couple firings, perhaps, and the system will continue to forceably take money from people, regardless of their dissatisfaction...


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In the Category of "NO SURPRISE": Unemployment RISES

But note the way the Reuters Editors framed the headline to soften the blow...


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Woman Charged with FELONY SEXUAL ASSAULT for Turning Tables on TSA Groper

When an agent of the gubment does it, people can send in a postcard to express their "opinions" about the treatment. When a private individual turns the tables and does it to a TSA thug, she gets charged with sexual assault. It seems clear who holds the power, doesn't it?


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FDA Bans Supplements

On July 3rd, the day before the holiday commemorating the Declaration of Independence, which proclaims our God-given inalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, the US Food & Drug Administration (FDA), without input of the public, and in the convenient cover of a distracted public and claiming the authority of the disingenuously named "Food Safety Modernization Act" (FSMA), has usurped a key component of our health - the right to use supplements. The FDA did this by issuing new guidelines for the 1994 Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA) that call for a New Dietary Ingredient (NDI) protocol. The NDI would essentially ban supplements.

TSA-Confiscated Items Sold: Undercut Sales of Legit Business

So not only is the federal gubment inuating itself between you and the private air carrier you'd like to hire to fly you, then giving you the false option of being groped or scanned, it also takes things from people just like thieves, and re-sells them, undercutting legitimate businesses.


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TSA to Conduct "Exercises" w/ US Military, State Resources, Across 5,000 Miles

Good piece. Not only is this a way to waste money, it's a way to "show people who's got the power'.

Anyone recall the French practice of tossing shoes into machines? This might be something to consider here.


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Housing Crisis Officially As Bad As the Great Depression

Mmm... take a listen to our latest pod on "trade deficits" and you'll hear a good overview of many of the factors that the government inspired to create this flooded housing market.

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Obama Admin Even More Aggressive than Bush Using Gubment to Go After Political Adversaries

A very good article from der Spiegel online. Hand it to your friends in the left-wing "privacy and peace" sphere, and see how they respond.,1518,768344,00.html

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TSA Blocks Private Security Screeners

Is anyone surprised?

The doors are closing on this argument even being brougt up.

Brown shirts, anyone?

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Obama's FBI Targets Peace Activists and Old Obama Opponents

Very telling. Power. Power. Power.

Warrants? Not in many cases. It's just a matter of expressing the "wrong" opinions too much. Enjoy that "change" from the criminal Bushies.

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