Prez Signs Warrantless Wiretap Renewal - Behind Closed Doors

Ahh, yes. Despite the clear provisions of the 4th amendment, that a judge mmust issue a warrant upon his or her determination of probable cause, Bush started this and Obama has not only continued it, but asked for it to be renewed.


Welcome to 19842013...


And by the way, when you hear the argument that the wiretapping is being done to a "foreigner" and a US citizen is just getting "caught up in it", that is irrelevant. Neither foreigners nor US citizens are supposed to be searched/surveilled without warrants. It doesn't matter whether you are a citizen or not. And even if one accepts that the rules only apply to US citizens, there is clearly a problem with wiretapping a conversation in which a US citizen is involved. That breaches his 4th Amendment rights.


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