As Snowden Knew, As Greenwald Told Us, NSA Read Thousands of E-Mails, and Feinstein Lied about It

Here's the article from the AP that discusses the "mistake". Recall that the Bush Admin told us that the FISA courts were just issuing warrants to allow surveillance of foreign phone calls. Yet this e-mail collection program has been going on for years, clearly showing how the Bush Admin lied about it. This article also proves that senator Dianne Feinstein also lied when she said she had no knowledge of any NSA program that was reading the e-mails of Americans.

Here is Glenn Greenwald, in video on Democracy Now, telling people Feinstein was lying. He said these words in June of 2013.

Something else to keep in mind is that whether the US government is spying on Americans or foreigners makes no constitutional difference. Both are unconstitutional, even if approved by the invisible "FISA Courts", because the "FISA Courts" are, themselves, unconstitutional. Open, clear, publically available warrants must be obtained in order for any officer of any government in the US to search anyone. The person to be searched must be named, and the items for which officers of the state (in the generic sense) can search must also be cited in the warrant. Police officers are not the ones who are supposed to determine "probable cause", and neither are NSA data collection people or programs. It's pretty simple.

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