president bush

Hamdan's Sentence "Light", Except That He Can Be Held Indefinitely AFTER HE SERVES IT...

When will people begin to admit that United States citizens are living under the rule of a lawless government that makes the rules up as it goes along?

Check it out, and tune in or call on Friday to talk to Gardner Goldsmith about this incredible manipulation of the law, and President Bush's dereliction of duty to protect and defend the United States Constitution.

12-19: Energy Bill Disaster! (Seg one)

In this opening segment from “Against the Grain”, Gardner Goldsmith blasts President Bush and Congress for superseding consumer choice, for defiling the US Constitution, and for redirecting the flow of usable capital towards investments consumers would NOT have made!

The rest of this program was STELLAR! But the computers went on the fritz again! We hope to get another source of the audio so that you can hear more. It really was one of the best!

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