Tales from the Conspiracy

Principled defense of reputation?

This is a question I've been pondering for a while.  In a truly free market, your reputation is your livlihood -- there is no other way for someone to know with whom they are dealing other than the past experiences of other customers.  At the same time, your reputation is not something you own (I think anyway), it exists as the sum total of the experiences of other people.  Given those two things, how would you handle something like a deliberate campaign to destroy your reputation? 

Mortgage Lenders Still Have Not Learnt



If the government bails lenders out when they get into trouble this time round they'll never learn

Rand Paul Cause baclash Over Poverty Comments



I don't like Rand Paul but he's kind of right the poor in the US do have it better then the poor else where in the world

Shock Jock Loses Free Speech Case



“I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it” Voltaire


Its frightening as creeping prohibitions upon free speech is the slippery slope towards tyranny

New Tax Laws Scare Usain Bolt To Sprint Away From Britain

Bolt the 100m record holder was due to attend an athletics meeting next month at Crystal Palace but due to new tax laws he’s backed out.

Basically he would have been taxed on the money he of won for winning whatever race, but now the government has changed the tax laws so that he’d have to pay 50% of his total earnings depending on the number of days he’s in the country.

I don’t see how that is fair he doesn’t live here, he doesn’t use the NHS, he doesn’t send any kids to state schools, any car he would ride in would of paid road tax.

Bad Juror List

I wonder if any FIJA activists have made the list...




Criminal defense attorney wants list of 'bad jurors' disclosed to public

Messed up mailbox

Just saw this mailbox on Saturday, check it out:

Mailbox I saw in Northern Utah

non-fiction article on the onion?


"I already belong to a health club, a church, and the Kiwanis Club," Tammy Golden of Los Angeles wrote. "I'm a member of the Von's Grocery Super Savers, which gets me a discount on certain groceries. These are all well-managed organizations with real benefits. None of them send me a confusing bill once a year and make me work it out myself, then throw me in jail if I get it wrong."

It's 2010 and Russian spies are being arrested, Am I losing my mind?

I don't doubt that spies still exist cause most governments would love to get an advantage over each other when they are not getting an advantage on their own people. Why is this happening now I'm asking myself because it is a bit odd. This serves as a good distraction to the situation in the Gulf of Mexico, Iraq and Afghanistan. Here's a link to one of the local articles about the spy ring case. http://www.lohud.com/article/20100628/NEWS/6280375/10-arrested-on-charge-of-spying-for-Russia?obref=obinsite

Climate change - it is a reality...

Hey all!

I know I may be in the minority, on this board, when I say that I believe in man-made climate change. However, for those open to all sides of the debate (which I know ye conspirators to be!) here's a wonderful article from my publisher, Snowbooks, which perfectly captures my thoughts on the matter:



Border Patrol Steps Up Checkpoints Along Hurricane Evacuation Route



Fleeing the hurricane?  Be sure to pack your papers first.  Only legal US residents will be allowed to run for their lives.

The Free State Project & Geolibertarianism

A while back I tried explaining geolibertarianism to the FTL boys, Mark kind of got it but Ian definitely didn’t get it. It was a thought of my mate Ed Joyce that though geolibertarianism is a concept born in the US, because its more applicable here in Britain due to the specific history of this country.


But it appears that the Free State Project have heard of geolibertarianism, but whether the likes of Ian Freeman & others would welcome geolibertarians is another question.



Have your news outlets been reporting on the situation in Kyrgyzstan? I think I only found out about the ongoing riots through Russia Today on youtube and one of the Lew Rockwell.

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Feel free to check it out and comment in this forum!

Libertarian Enforcement Theory?

A question mark, because I wonder if there might be such a thing. I know there’s no single libertarian theory on anything, but I’m quite curious about this and so thought I’d start with the most deontological bunch of libertarians that I know. So can anyone tell me what the (or at least a) libertarian theory would be on law enforcement?  As a bit of background, I’ve recently been going through the work of H.H. Hoppe and Bruce Benson who make some pretty interesting cases for a market sector judiciary. I have no argument with this. It makes perfect sense to me. And anything we can take away from the state, the better. However, plausibly good outcomes from this approach require that the involved parties all have an interest in an amicable resolution.

The Reek Of Nationalism Is Almost Upon Us Thanks To The World Cup

I prefer to be in South Africa right now where the World Cup is being held because ironically I reckon they’d be less jino nationalism then there’s going to be here in England.

Its funny but 20 years ago it wasn’t as nad as it is now if you aren’t English living in England when the England football team qualify for the World Cup or the European Championships.

I’m already seeing the bumper stickers, the chavs wearing England garb & people flying England banners outside their homes, you know the World Cup is almost about to begin & there will be the reek of nationalism bearing upon all.

Cumbrian Shootings


If law abiding citizens were allowed to bear arms then they'd need not have to cower in their homes they'd be able to protect themselves from whatever mad bastard who's perpetrated this.


but to say this in this country I'm counted as a kook

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