
Gore Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize

Global Warming, Al Gore... Peace Prize.

Or, as Basil Fawlty once asked, "Is this a PIECE of your brain?"

Here is the story, from All Headline News:

Al Gore Nominated For Nobel Prize

February 1, 2007 12:30 p.m. EST

Julie Farby - All Headline News Staff Writer
Oslo, Norway (AHN) - After receiving wide-spread acclaim and an Academy Award nomination for his 2005 film documentary "An Inconvenient Truth," on the dangers of global warming, former Vice President and 2000 Presidential candidate Al Gore was nominated for the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize for his work bringing attention to the oft-overlooked topic....

US Senate Passes Minimum Wage Order, Reconciliation with House Next

The US Senate has done it again. They have spurned the ideas of the Founding Fathers and passed their own increase in the "Minimum Wage", $2.10 over two years. This matches the House version, but the Senate also passed tax breaks for small businesses, and Nacy Pelosi will not stand for that.

Here is something Conspirators will want to watch closely, and remember.


WASHINGTON Feb 1, 2007 (AP)— The Senate voted overwhelmingly Thursday to boost the federal minimum wage by $2.10 to $7.25 an hour over two years, but packaged the increase with controversial tax cuts for small businesses and higher taxes for many $1 million-plus executives.

Hey Joe, Where You Goin' With That Foot in Your Mouth?

Hendrix didn't say it exactly that way, but...

The latest from plagiarist and socialist Joe Biden is his absurd statement about Barak Obama being exceptional as a black candidate because he is... Well, let's allow Ms. Fouhey (one of our favorites) to explain:

HEADLINE: Biden scrambles to explain Obama comment

"February 1, 2007


Associated Press

NEW YORK — Sen. Joe Biden spent his first day as an official presidential candidate regretting his description of Democratic rival Sen. Barack Obama as “clean,” and explaining why he had dissed Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton and John Edwards.

Number 11: Historical Notes on Subverting A Constitutional Republic

Number Eleven has come across a remarkable document, written shortly after the founding of the United States under the Constitution. Many thanks to our fellow Conspirator for the discovery and research!

Here is the piece, written by Philip Freneau, a playwright of the 18th Century whose work mocked the British government:

--"Rules for Changing a Republic [into a Democracy, then] into a Monarchy"--

"Those who had opposed the constitution thought their fears justified by the
conduct of the government that began to function in 1789. Under the
aggressive leadership of Alexander Hamilton, the secretary of the treasury,

Ed Brown, IRS, NH Labor Sec on Minimum Wage and "Against the Grain"

As many people know, Plainfield, NH residents, Ed and Elaine Brown have been found guilty of tax evasion and fraud in relation to their non-payment of federal income taxes for many years.

There is no predicting what will transpire in the Brown case. Federal Marshalls could move on his property now, or any time through late April when the court will sentence him. His wife is in Massachusetts, monitored by electronic bracelet.

There will be more sound to hear soon in this case, for now, take a listen to the moment when Ed hears of the sentence, broadcast on "Against the Grain", with Gardner Goldsmith.

Cynical Hillary Rodham Clinton to Travel to Iraq

Hmmm... Let's see. She is aiming at the White House, has been trying to look good on national defense. Of COURSE this trip to Iraq is all about the soldiers and their mission!

Here is the link to the AP report.


The New Poll: Minimum Wage

Check the left column for the latest Conspiracy Poll.

There are strong forces arraying that are intent on forcing others to do what THEY want when engaged in private, volitional exchange.

None of these politicians is willing to open his own business and offer wages at the rates he wants to force on others. If they were, there would be choice, wouldn't there? And we can't HAVE choice, right?

By the way, new House Speaker says her work in the House of Representatives, everything she does, will be about "Children".

Cute. Ever heard of the US Constitution?

Central Banking Strikes Again

This new wrinkle on the ugly old mug of government monopoly currency control recently appeared in papers across the nation:


There's nothing quite like private property, and the government outlawing
competition in the issuance of currency. Meanwhile, it devalues its own
coinage so much, it then has to prohibit us from melting it down for the
basic constituents!

Enjoy spending your devalued currency.

Fed Judge Rules Money Illegal! Blind People 'Scriminated Against By Treasury Dept!

This ruling brings to mind many thoughts.

It is noted that blind people are at risk of getting ripped off when they have to rely on others to determine the value of the money they have on hand. But aren't ALL U.S. citizens at the mercy of someone who determines the value of their hard-earned cash? You bet. It's called the Federal Reserve.

Here is the story of the blind leading the blind:


Blind people certainly have a grievance, a valid one. Their complaint should be wider in scope. If we had a private market for money, blind people could find an alternative source for their legal tender, and this source would make sure the money was exchangable in the market.

Former Speaker Gingrich Open to Fed Govt. Abridging First Amendment

The incredibly slick and egotistical former Speaker of the US House, Newt Gingrich, recently visited NH to speak at the Union Leader's "First Amendment Awards" banquet. While in NH, he happened to mention that we in the US may need to "reassess" the right to free speech.

Perhaps Mr. Gingrich could acknowledge that, logically, and philosophically, one cannot hold a "right" if that "right" can be abridged.

Perhaps Mr. Gingrich ought to reconsider running for President.

Here is the link to the UL story

Happy Thanksgiving, Happy Private Property

With our regards, here is a piece provided by the Foundation for Economic Education, www.fee.org

All of us at the Foundation for Economic Education would like to wish you a very happy Thanksgiving! We hope that you have a wonderful holiday weekend with safe travels and plenty of time with your family and friends.

This Thanksgiving we would like to share with you a special story about the pilgrims at Plymouth Bay Colony. Their failed experience with collectivism taught them, and reminds us all, that it is only within a system of private property rights that we may experience freedom and prosperity.

US to Require Passports for Nearly All Air Travelers Entering US Beginning Jan 23, 2007

Michael Chertoff announced today that nearly all airline passengers (one wonders if he also means small craft), will be required to carry passports in order to enter the US, beginning January 23. Previously, Canadians, Bermudans, and some Mexicans did not have to show this form of ID.

Here is the AP report:


RINO Autopsy in Order, NH Policy to go HARD left, and Bush Wants a CIA Man for Defense Sec.

There is a very obvious lesson for the Republican Party to learn after the 2006 elections: Do not compromise.

The willingness of Republican strategists to try to look "moderate", in order to have a "big tent" has led to the greatest NH GOP failure in its history. (It should be noted that this failure came BEFORE Wayne Semprini took over as head of the party; he is only dealing with the after effects of bad ideas from the past.)

It should come as no surprise to those who have been watching this train move down the tracks that a wreck was inevitable. If the GOP wants to appeal to leftists (and that is what the moderates actually are, let's not kid about it) by expanding spending, expanding regulations and increasing the size of government, they have no right to be in the GOP.

The Death of the Republican Party in NH

November 7, 2006 saw the expiration of the RINO party in NH.


Charles Bass is slammed by Paul Hodes, something conservatives and libertarians warned would happen many moons ago.

Jeb Bradley is beaten by Carol Shea-Porter, a woman who came out of nowhere, whose political machine was run by her daughter until two months ago.

The NH House falls into the hands of the Dems, the Senate appears to be going that way at the time of this writing.

The NH Governorship is easily held by the lefties with a D in their title.

The US Congress goes Democrat, the US Senate appears to be headed in that direction as of this writing. It could end up tied, but functionally Democrat, when considering the leftist ideas of the RINOs still there.

Gore-Brit Alarmism on Global Warming

Here is an excellent press release from Myron Ebell, of the Competitive Enterprise Institute. Myron will be on ATG on Tuesday, October 31. The subject, the British report on Global Warming, and the move by the UK to HIRE Al Gore to give the UK government advice on the supposedly man-made warming problem.

Here is the press release from CEI:


Competitive Enterprise Institute

British Economic Review of Global Warming Fuels Alarmism;
Economist Cherry-Picks Data to Forecast Overblown Scenario

Washington , D.C. , October 30, 2006—A new report commissioned by the British government on the potential costs of global warming and its prevention is deeply flawed and should not be used to justify a global emissions trading scheme, the Competitive Enterprise Institute warned on Monday.

Note: Truth does not have an expiration date.

Refer to the information on John Lynch recently posted here at the Liberty Conspiracy.

Bill Frist and Gardner Goldsmith: Pleasant Confrontation

The appearance of Bill Frist on "Against the Grain" has inspired some discussion. Senator Frist may run for President. In his recent conversation with Gardner Goldsmith, Senator Frist attempted to offer his rationale for federal funding for scientific research, including fetal stem cell research. He also sounded off about REAL ID, and how he believes the United States is a "pluralistic" nation. Hear the details on our audio player.

In addition, many people may not know that the US government has the power to ban things such as Vegemite from being brought into our country. Freedom has never tasted so bad, but the freedom to eat vegemite ought to be afforded the people of the US, shouldn't it?

The ATG Interview with Tom DiLorenzo Is Here!

On Monday, October 23, Gardner Goldsmith had the opportunity to talk to economist-historian Thomas DiLorenzo, a fellow at the Ludwig von Mises Institute, and author of the new book, "Lincoln Unmasked".

Look for the interview on the Liberty Conspiracy site, and look for Tom's book at www.amazon.com!

Bill Frist to Appear on ATG Tuesday, October 24

There will be a RINO in the room tomorrow. Keep your eyes open for the sound file here, or tune in for the conversation. Gard is looking forward to... questioning Dr. Frist.

Meanwhile, check the audio files here for the coverage of the ABC News propaganda machine. Their latest wrongdoing? Pushing national health care (a malapropism if there ever was one). We also have the latest on Michelle's Law coming from NH to manipulate insurance companies on the national level. Beautiful!

The Military Commissions Act of 2006, and NH Politicians Trying to Buy Temple Mt.

On october 17, 2006, President Bush signed into law a bill that will selectively lift the Writ of Habeas Corpus for "detainees", who once would have been prosecuted as either prisoners of war or as terrorists under US criminal code.

This is a very troubling development. Americans can be categorized as "Enemy Combatants" and held as "detainees", questioned without access to attorneys and without the protections of the Geneva Conventions. Not since FDR imprisoned Japanese Americans has such a breach of civil liberties been witnessed in the US. At least FDR had the guts to ask for a declaration of War after he goaded the Japanese into the "surprise" attack on Pearl Harbor.

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