
Congress Weighing MANDATORY Health Insurance for American Citizens, and Subsidies to Go with It

Funny, the supposed "conservative" Mitt Romney already tried this in MA, and costs skyrocketed. Yet they want to duplicate the policy on a national basis?

Beyond the fact that it's unconstitutional, and anti-economic, why not let the states try it the way MA did, and see what works? Why have one policy madate the compliance of EVERYONE? Remember, the larger the area of control, the greater chance that more people will be harmed by policy errors. At least the founding fathers got that right.

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Feds Consider Tax on Sweet SODAS to "Fund Health Care"!

We've said here many times that once people accept the falacious concept that "we all pay" for the bad health habits of others, then the move of government to regulate our private habits begins.

Fascism is here. It has been for a while. Seems odd, doesn't it, that the federal gubment imposes high tariffs on foreign sugar, making sodas cost more ALREADY, and now, they want to tax the sodas that hae ADM CORN SYRUP in them!

At a certain point, even people who blithely stroll through life without much care for the extortion, coercion and glad-handling of government will stand up and say something is wrong!

Be     Seeing    You!

Park Service to Use Eminent Domain to Steal Families' PA Land for Flight 93 Memorial! Woah!

Wow. Can you believe this? Take a look at the quotes from the park service thugs. When the feds build this thing, perhaps people will show up to vandalize it - every day - with placards talking about the continued terrorism of the federal government.

Be Seeing You!

Swarzenegger Open to Decrim of Pot

The motivation is wrong. That's an important factor.

Then, of course, there's that little nagging problem of the federal proscription against legal pot. It would be nice if just ONE governor would stand up for the federalist system, and tell the feds to go pound sand.


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Want More Evidence That Gubment "Defense" against Flus Is Counter-Productive?

As has been discussed in the Liberty Conspiracy Audio, there is no ethical justification for government involvement in so-called "protection" against viral pathogens, or any naturally occurring threat. In fact, there is no ethical justification for government at all.


Here is a good example of how reliance on government to "protect" against sickness makes the decisions anti-economic, and not as responsive as the private market responses would be.

KILL THE PIGS could be the motto for this kind of nonsense!

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Arizona Teen's School Strip Search Case Heads to US Supreme Court

How nice, a girl who was forced to strip in a government school because they suspected her of having prescription strength ibuprophen, she gets to have her case heard by a government court. Wonder if the court will hedge on this one the way they did on the Heller gun case and rights?

Kansas City Star Columnist Laments Retraction of MIAC Profiling Guidelines

She is in favor of racial and political profiling, and has spoken out to tell us how it all makes sense.

How sweet... (grin)...

WOW! So Much for Freedom of Speech! FTC to Impose New Online Regs for "Endorsements"

Incredible. So if you happen to express your opinions without overtly and repeatedly telling people they are your personal opinions and are not backed up by studies, you'll be fined by the FTC.

Advertisers will be prohibited from working through personal network systems, making their growth less rapid, and making new devlopments less frequent. Twitter is ready to expand, thanks to upcoming advertising capital. Will that happen now? The uncertainty that government creates is truly disastrous.

This kind of policy will expand, as well.


Senate Legislation Would Establish National Internet Security Czar, Invade Private Computers

Yep. In order to "keep private computer systems and privacy safe", the feds want to acquire the power to invade private computer systems and possibly turn them off at their own discretion!


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The unconstitutional agency called the Food and Drug Administration has ordered a slew of prescription painkillers off the market. Even though doctors have been prescribing the drugs for decades, and patients haven't been having trouble, the FDA says the drugs didn't go through the proper hoops to be approved.

Here is the story:

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War on Border Travel Intensifies - Defoliation Procedure Begins on US-Mexico Border

Once more, the federal government moves to engage in even more potentially dangerous activity, all under the name of "protecting the border".


Homosexual Mass Couples Sue Federal Gubment over Discriminatory Marriage Laws

So, for all those "conservatives" who oppose "gay marriage", is it possible that they can start looking at the general problem of getting government involved in marriage in the first place?

It's probably not a good idea for those who believe in God to put the state before Him, is it...

Be Seeing You.

Obama Pushes Old Leftist/Soviet Style Concept - "Community Health Centers"

This is also an idea that the lefties in many states pushed, a top-down, central control, bureaucracy that will shift money away from some to give it to others. In this case, it's for "medical care".

Nothing like socialized medicine and Soviets to make you feel like you're in the "land of the free".

Be Seeing You!

Feds to Cede medical Marijuana Issue to States?

Could be one of the first GOOD things we've seen from the Obamer Admin. Props to them if this is the fo-real-deal...

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