We the People?!

After reading Nathan Tucker's review of Tom Wood's book Nullification, I am struck by Tucker's use of the term "We the People."  How is it that supposed individualists (as Tucker claims to be), can use this collectivist term?  I guess I'm so far gone that I no longer even know what "We the People" means.  How is it that 300 million individuals can be lumped together into a purported homogenous monolith with a will all its own? 

The Constitution wasn't proposed, written, or ratified by "We the People;" these actions were taken by some of the populous and then forced onto everyone else, even those who fervently opposed this course of action.  But, still, "We the People" is a term of reverence. 

Of course, as Spooner observed, not only is the above statement true, but none of the folks who originally signed the Constitution, nor any of those who ratified it--the only ones who can really be called "We the People"--are alive today.

I'm currently watching the HBO mini-series John Adams.  I was intrigued when the dialogue between Adams and Jefferson revealed Jefferson's near-anarchic beliefs.  They even included Jefferson's quote about the injustice of one generation's laws binding another generation in reference to the Constitution.  Folks like Tucker should think about that!!  How is it the will of people long dead (at least those who had political power) be forced upon people now living?  Only in the world of "We the People."

But that is one of more troublesome aspect of democracy, is it not?  Because so many people of goodwill are convinced that they are the government, that "We the People" is the government, the State becomes not an enemy to be fought, but part of the individual himself.  Instead of rejecting the State as inherently alien and evil, it is something to be reformed.  All we have to do is find the find the right people, work within the system, amend the Constitution, etc.  All of which Tucker proposes in the comment section.

The one thing we cannot do is to question the ridiculous concept known as "We the People."

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