More, with Robert Higgs, on Government Growth due to 'Crises'

Robert Higgs, editor of the "Independent Review", and author of such books as "Crisis and Leviathan", and "Hazardous to Our Health", joined Gardner Goldsmith to discuss his latest work, "Resurgence of the Warfare State".

Higgs' insight regarding the "ratcheting" dynamic of "emergency/government intervention/government growth/emergency" has been recognized by economists, historians and political philosophers as one of the most important ideas to have been published on the subject of political economy. Listen to him here

cover of Crisis and Leviathan: Critical Episodes in the Growth of American Government (A Pacific Research InsCrisis and Leviathan: Critical Episodes in the Growth of American Government (A Pacific Research Ins
cover of Resurgence of the Warfare State: The Crisis Since 9/11Resurgence of the Warfare State: The Crisis Since 9/11
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Number 1997
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Posted on: June 2, 2015 - 11:37pm #1

Defeat is a transient perception but giving up is permanent. So never give up. - Dennis Wong YOR Health