Changing the 'Star Spangled Banner' to Espanol... How about something else...

In solidarity with the Latino Community that wants to promote a Spanish language version of the National Anthem, the folks at Fenway Park have translated the song into another popular language...

Here is a sample of the opening:

"Ohway aysay ancay ouyay eesay... ybay ethay awn'sday earlyway ightlay... atwhay osay oudlypray eway ailedhay atway ethay ilight'stway astlay eamingglay..."

Fenway Spokesman Seth Lopez says: "We just thought it was the right thing to do. And it shows solidarity with a large portion of our fans. Ogay oxsay!!"

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Number 2064
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Posted on: September 5, 2016 - 7:16am #1

It does sound something interesting. Nice idea. - Marla Ahlgrimm