Tim Carney

ATG 9-24! Monday! Hillary Clinton Backs Tax-funded Campaigns, Giuliani's Cell, Ahmadenejad in NYC, Iraq n Oil

Yes.. Hillary Clinton wants to totally fund campaigns with tax money... G will be on it today.

Plus, her health care plan, a possible visit from Repub Prez candidate Duncan Hunter, and a look at Rudy's cell phone calls... Are they set-ups?

Today, on ATG!

FREE SPEECH FRIDAY ARRIVES! - ATG Today:Tim Carney on DC, Canadians on Gub-ment Health, WWII Vets on "The Big One"

Today on ATG, we pretend (just like the FCC) that you have free speech rights, and "open" the lines to you. As we set forth to discuss things like the Larry Craig resignation (it's gotta be coming), Canadian health care (it stinks), World War Two stories with two vets, and the NH gubment creating a website for NH farmers.

What does that say about the gubment's faith in farmers to take care of themselves?

Check it out, today, at 1 pm!

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