Rep. Dana Rohrabacker (R - CA) Exposes the UN Climate Panel for the Sham It Is

On Thursday, Feb 8, California Congressman Dana Rohrabacker slammed the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change of the UN for its sloppy and biased work on man-made global warming.

Listen to the excerpt from his exchange with Dr. Susan Soloman of the UN and NOAA, as he tries to get a straight answer about the percentage of CO2 in the atmosphere that is produced by man, and the percentage that is produced naturally. This is at the heart of the debate. The scientists testifying at this sham "hearing" could only refer to general changes in either temperature (and the stats on that are collected in such a way as to make as dramatic as possible the changes in global temp since the mid 19th Century, which was the end of the "Little Ice Age") or CO2, but not, at any time, any data concerning the percentage of MAN-MADE CO2, which is at the heart of the debate about MAN'S EFFECT on the climate. Washington State Rep Brian Baird (D) attempted to overlook this glaring lack of information, turning the testimony about changes in parts per million of CO2 into a parthenogenic snowball (to stick with the climate motif) that, since CO2 has risen, the percentage that MAN is inputting must be increasing. But compared to WHAT? Could there be a general increase in CO2 due to natural phenomena? One would have to have data on the percentage made by man 100 years ago or more, and the percentage made by man today, RELATIVE to the percentage made in nature. Simply citing a general trend in CO2 levels gives one no more idea of what is CAUSING it than if one were to measure ambient room noise in a house at various times, and claim it is due to the ownership of a new dog. What if the measurements were taken during times that included thunderstorms, or parties, or what if the dog were never allowed in the home? This is such sloppy science, is so politically driven it is laughable. Baird doesn't consider these important factors, despite his claim that he once taught "Scientific Method" (oooooh).

This is a terrific sound bite, check it out on our player and here:

The other scientists included: Dr. Kevin Trenberth, head of Climate Analysis as at NOAA (yes, another govt employee), Dr. Gerald Neal, a scientist from who worked on the UN report, Mr. Richard Alley, an Associate Prof at Univ of Penn, and yes, an author on the IPCC report. What a shock!

cover of Shattered Consensus: The True State of Global WarmingShattered Consensus: The True State of Global Warming
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Number 55
Number 8
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Posted on: February 9, 2007 - 10:49am #1

Rohrabacker was fantastic. Glad you caught it here!

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Posted on: October 17, 2014 - 3:21am #2

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