
A Call to Privatize Airports

We have mentioned this frequently. Get the gubment out of the air travel regulation business. The moves mentioned in this article wouldn't completely eliminate the fed influence, but it would be a good start.


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Secret Service Interrogates 13 Yr Old W/O Parental Presence

Yeah, perhaps the mom is learning that having one's money taken away without choice and tossed into a government school system where her kids are propagandized and she has very little say over what happens inside -- perhaps she's learning that this is a system where this kind of thing can happen any time, done by school officials or feds or state bureaucrats, and she will be able to do NOTHING.

Welcome to the "Village". Enjoy the "common good", dear.



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Feds Sue Starbucks for Firing Someone Small

In some eyes, the action of Starbucks firing a dwarf will be seen as the "Big Guy" literally harming the "Little Guy". But what is really at stake here is the principle of private ownership and control of one's property, private contract without interference from politicians,  business responsiveness to consumers and employees, and competiveness.

Then there is the US Constitution. It does not give Congress the power to pass bills that interfere with how people operate their private businesses, how they engage in private contract, or how consumers freely choose where to do business. It also PROHIBITS state governments from interfering in private contract.

Isn't it Funny When "Conservatives" Discover the Real Gingrich?

That potato-headed, brilliantine egotist now talks as if maintaining a system of theft and coercion to provide crappy med services to old people is somehow the norm, and that trying to stop it is "social engineering on the right".

Hey, Gingrich: Would trying to stop a slave master from forcing a slave to work be "social engineering" because the slave master might get fewer bails of cotton?



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20% of Fed Med Fascism Waivers go to Swank in Pelosi Dist

Is anyone surprised?



But, of course, this is somehow DIFFERENT than the soviet system of fascism, state control, socialism and favoritism. Anyone want a ride in a Volga? Just call Nancy Pelosi.

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Scientists Doubt TSA on Tests of Scan Radiation

This is added to the already criminal activity of the searches themselves, the presense of the TSA in airports and the very existence of it at all.


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Obama Admin Pushes Sub-Prime Mortgages Again!

This is one of the major factors that led to the housing bubble and toxic mortgage mess from 2007 through to today!


When you see "Community Reinvestment Act" and "crackdown on redlining" think: politicians pushing bankers to give loans to people who can't affort them and will default. This is stunning that these people never seem to learn. It happened under the two previous Presidents and is still happening NOW!


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Fishermen Say Fed Regs Destroy Livelihood, Prompt Suicide Attempts

This one comes from NH, but the problem is universal. Anytime government steps in, there is no way to allow for private property rights to attenuate the use or clamation of a resource based on the needs of consumers and providers. There is no way to husband a resource properly. You get arbitrary regulations made by people far from the problem who don't have any stake in anything. Bad mojo, baby. Leave it to private markets, private property rights, and private arbitration, and you see a system that arises similar to what western ranchers had  for their cattle -- no government needed to handle it.


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Sen Al Franken Is Smarter Than You...

He's so smart he knows how to overlook the intent of the people who wrote the Constitution and use the interstate commerce clause to try to have the federal government get involved with how Apps handle your personal information.

He is, of course, much, much more intelligent than you, and he also knows your preferences better than you!



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One Circuit Ct. Panel Seems Oblivious to the Concept of Nullification

Of course, since all state officials swear oaths to uphold the Constitution, it would seem clear that any federal laws that run contrary to it would, of necessity, have to be nullified by them and not upheld in their states.

Seems the court doesn't understand.



We will see how the panel rules. But it looks like they are the kind for whom the ends justifies the means.


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Osama bin Laden Reported Dead

The response from those agitated by US and other western nations meddling in their nations remains to be seen.


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"Timmy" Geithner Becomes a Comedian!

Yeah! He REALLY said that he will defend a "strong" Dollar! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAA!!!


Oh, that's so good.


He be here all week. Please tip your waiters.




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Ron Paul to Run for Prez Once More

Of course, the Republican establishment will not be happy about this. It will be interesting to see Ron Paul expose the fraud newt Gingrich on things like the prescription drugs for old people socialism Newty loved, and his warmongering, and his anti-First Amendment statements, and on and on...




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Dollar Decline FINALLY Being Acknowledged by Pop Media!

Libertarians have been warning about it ever since the Bushies started us on this inflationary path. Now, with the inflating of the money supply already far beyond what anyone has seen in history, NOW the prices are on their way up, up, up. Tis not the end, friends, not even the midpoint.

Hope you got some gold or silver a couple years ago, as we recommended.


Be Seeing You!

TSA Screener Charged w/Distributing Child Porn

And, don't forget, the porn screeners they are installing in the airports, and which have made former Homeland "Security" Tsar Mikey Chertoff VERY rich, allow for the storage and transport of the images they take.

Remember, the paradigm of federal involvement in airport security and air traffic control is unconstitutional. It would better address customer interests if we had a market system and no government involvement.

Check our audio library for the history of how the federal gubment got involved in air transport fascism.

Here's the article!


Be Seeing You!

Five Nations Take Steps to Move Away from Dollar

Perhaps the higher gold, silver, platinum, oil, food and other prices have something to do with the massive amount of money the Fed has pumped into the economy since 2002, and the incredible spending the DC gubment has engaged in for decades.




This is only the beginning. The inflation has already occurred, the price increases are beginning now. Hold tight. Zombie time is coming.

TSA Targets Complainers? NO WAY!

Funny how easily Americans forget that Fourth Amendment requirement that all searches will be conducted only after a warrant issued by a judge, based on just cause .


And remember, as we have spelled out in out Audios (see links on left side of home page for our audio library), the feds don't even have a Constitutional justification to be in these private or municipal airports. But hey, since the TSA has been totally ineffectual in stopping EVEN ONE TERRORIST, perhaps they get a sense of achievement in trampling on our rights.




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Share of US Pop Not Working Highest Since Early '80s

But remember, as long as politicians take money from those who actually produce things and serve customers, and said politicians pay people who aren't productive with said graft, everything will be fine!




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Obama Admin Threatens VETO to Sustain Fascistic Net-Regs

What's interesting about this move is two-fold. First, it is the FCC that imposed these regulations, which are unconstitutional not only in that it is an extra-Congressional body doing it, but also in that Congress doesn't even have the power to regulate the net! So, you have an unconstitutional regulatory agency establishing unconstitutional rules to force ISPs and internet providers to have to conform to federal rules rather than market rules, then a number of Congressman feel that they are forced to have to pass a law to stop it. They pass the law (remember, a LAW to stop a REGULATION) and then the Prez threatens to VETO the law in order to keep the REGULATION in place!


Welcome to Bizarro World, Superman.


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