New Hampshire

Alert: Bass and Bradley vote with Dems to Threaten Bloggers

Representatives Charlie Bass and Jeb Bradley voted this week to strike down a proposed protection for online political writers against the byzantine campaign finance laws forcing disclosure of all their finances and political ties. (see: here)

The loss of this protection not only stands in direct opposition to the First Amendment of the US Constitution, it could have the practical effect of shutting small bloggers down. The United States Constitution is supposed to protect this kind of speech, not give the government the power to regulate it out of existence. Thank people like Sen. John McCain, Sen. Russ Feingold, Rep. Marty Meehan, Rep. Chris Shays, and the NH Congressmen for the original "McCain-Feingold Campaign Finance Reform Law", and for this vicious blow against individual liberty.

More to Watch, November 4, 2005

In addition to the Governor's mad scramble to defend himself against valid criticism that will soon come his way on the health insurance front (remember this when you look at your insurance premium this quarter), there are other matters of importance.

-- George Bush meets with leaders of Central and South American nations today, to push for free markets, ie, low tariffs and fewer subsidies for certain industries. Unfortunately, people like Hugo "Jimmy Carter okayed my corrupt election" Chavez, and Argentinian Labor leader Juan Gonzalez don't like freedom. According to Gonzalez, free trade (which would allow MORE of his nation's products to be purchased by Americans -- Ye Gods, freedom!) would simply harm his people, and allow America to take advantage of them even MORE! There is no rationale for government to interfere in trade. Tariffs retard economic growth. Study after study has shown that tariffs designed to help protect specific politically tied companies from foreign competition actually harm consumers to the tune of approximately eight times as much. This is capital that would otherwise be available to start up new, more productive companies in the home nation, allowing for dynamic economic growth. We see the specific company that may be helped by the tariff against a foriegn competitor's goods, but we do not see the multitudinous individuals who could be allowed to spend their free capital in new ways, and the businesses that would start up because of them. The bottom line, if we are not allowed to run our own lives when we purchase products, how can we possibly think that politicians elected by a slim majority or plurality of those voting can not only make decisions for ourselves, but for our neighbors? The arrogance of it is breathtaking.

Legal Plunder Proposed to Help Cold Families in NH

On Wednesday, November 2, senior members of the NH House and Senate announced plans to meet on November 16 in order to pass a special resolution that would funnel $17 million in "emergency assistance" to families having trouble paying their heating bills.

Both House Speaker Doug Scammon, and Senate President Ted Gatsas are in favor of moving state "surplus" funds (recently discovered, after the Lynch adminstration accused former Governor Benson of creating a funding deficit -- Surprise, Surprise!) into these "charitable" uses.

There is nothing "charitable" about theft, no matter how it is portrayed, excused, or rationalized by politicians, the very politicians who were given seats of power in order to protect our individual lives, livelihoods, and property from threats by others.

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