New Hampshire

Eastern Equine Encephalitis -- Let the State 'Sheild' You from Nature

Under a state proposal (HB 1464), the government of NH, through your tax money, would devote $218,000 to battling EEE.

Hear this idea dissected on "Against the Grain", with thanks to Seth , Frannigan, and John.

NH - The Lynch Family: Do As We Say, Not As We Do

When it was reported February 17 in the NH Union Leader that NH Governor John Lynch's daughter, Jacqueline, had been arrested for alcohol violations for the second time in a handful of months, many reporters noted that they did not want to give inordinate publicity to the problem.

Giving inordinate attention to a story involving a politician's offspring, and looking closely at the story to see where the politicians might be slightly hypocritical, are two very different things. This segment from "Against the Grain" draws the distinction, and focusses on how the NH media is far too willing t

Final Thoughts on Child Labor

In reference to the federal fine levied against Alex Ray, owner of the Common Man Inns. Mr. Ray last summer offered teenagers the opportunity to organize and run their own breakfast business. For this the federal government said he had broken federal child labor laws, and fined him $4,000.

Child labor laws are, first, unnecessary, second, pernicious, and third, unconstitutional.

HEADLINE - NH Governor Admits State Computers were HACKED -- AND The Feds FINE a NH Man for Giving Kids a Chance to Run Business

Yes! After checking their computers for the first time in SIX MONTHS, the Lynch Administration realized that they had been hacked, and the credit card numbers of NH citizens may have been stolen!

Efficient. Trustworthy. Addressable. Government.

In addition, Section B of the Union Leader reported on February 16 that Alex Ray, the owner of the Common Man Inns, was fined nearly $4,000 for starting a summer program for teens who wanted to learn how to run businesses. He ran afoul of federal 'child labor laws" that "protected" these kids from their own choices, which were also monitored by their folks.

cover of Basic Economics: A Citizens Guide to the Economy, Revised and ExpandedBasic Economics: A Citizens Guide to the Economy, Revised and Expanded

Update on NH Legislation: 'Wal-Mart' Insurance Regulation DIES

The NH House today resoundingly rejected a proposal to make businesses employing 1500 or more employees have to devote 8% of their payroll to providing health insurance to their employees. The bill was titled: 1704-FN-A. See prior interview with its prime sponsor, Marcia Moody, here at the Conspiracy.

Breaking Issues, for February 13, 2006

Conspirators may want to note the revelation of a shocking surprise: the federal government mismanaged the disaster in New Orleans. Yes, we know it is shocking, and difficult to believe, but it is alarmingly true! Since the boondoggle is currently under the control of a Republican, the New York Times is keeping a keen eye on FEMA, and has reported the trouble in very striking terms. The link is available for your perusal:

In addition, Number 67 reports that the US Government is working on a new computer data collection system that would mine even more data than has alredy been seen in America. At a time of terror threats, and a time when the Bush Administration is trying (in vain) to defend its illegal domestic surveillance program, this news can make one realize that protection of civil liberties and privacy from federal government encroachment is very much at risk. The link to the original article cited by Number 67 is here:

Ed Naile, of the Coalition of NH Taxpayers, Offers the Latest on Obtaining David Souter's Land by Eminent Domain

As many know, the Kelo v. New London decision widened the capacity of government to take private land through eminent domain. We at the Conspiracy believe the clause written into the US Constitution providing for eminent domain seizure for "public use" was a blunder by the Founders. It has always been open to a wider enterpretation, moving into "public good", and supporting seizure to allow for private development. With this seizure and development, politicians can claim that the increased tax revenues will eventually be used for the "public good", and thus the action is, according to them, perfectly legitimate.

Free State Blogs -- A Fantastic Location to Read Important NH Information

Denis Goddard has recently created one of the best sites in NH to obtain up-to-date information from some of the state's great pro-freedom thinkers. The Conspiracy is proud to team up with in an exchange of written and recorded opinions and information. Please visit them frequently, and feel free to pass on our compliments from

Questions and Answers on Firearms in NH - From Sam Cohen Of Gun Owners of NH, and Free State Blogs

Sam Cohen, one of the standout defenders of freedom in New Hampshire, recently posted an excellent piece at In it, he answers many frequently asked questions from people interested in NH gun laws.

Here is the opening of his piece. You may follow the link to read the entire article:

Frequently Asked Questions about New Hampshire Gun Laws

Copyright © 2006 Sam Cohen

Since June of 2002, I’ve been the volunteer who receives and returns messages to the GO-Phone, the voicemail message service of Gun Owners of New Hampshire: (603) 225-GONH (225-4664). The most common calls are questions about New Hampshire gun laws, often asked by people thinking about moving here from other states. I particularly enjoy talking to people from our neighboring state to the south, because if it’s the first time they learn about our freedoms compared with the government restrictions in Massachusetts, they’re like kids opening Christmas presents.

Issues to Watch - Part Three - A GOOD Bill, to Oppose the United Nations

Number 16 has brought to light a resolution proposed by some of NH's best legislators. It is called HCR (Concurrent Resolution) 25, and it deserves support. It would express the desire of the NH Legislature for the United States to withdraw from the UN, if the UN adopted any policies that contravened the US Constitution.

Since the funding of the UN is unconstitutional in itself, this would let the NH Legislature make its request very quickly after passage. Here is the text, with ratings provided by the NH Liberty Alliance (



Issues to Watch - Part Two - 2-5-06: NH May Force Doctors Prescribing Pills, and Pharmacies Selling Them, to Hand Over Data

The Conspirator known as Number 16 would like the other members of the Conspiracy to be aware of a dangerous and unconstitutional bill currently slithering through the NH State House. It is HB 1714 - FN. The information on it, as provieded by the NH Liberty Alliance and General Court websites, indicates that it would require all doctors prescribing "addictive" controlled substances, and all pharmacies selling them, to electronically report the prescriptions and sales to the state of NH within fifteen days of the last day of the month.

In addition to contravening Section Two, Article 83, of the NH Constitution, this bill stands against the presumption of innocence, and the US Constitution's proscription against unreasonable searches and seizures. The text of the bill is herein offered with NH Liberty Alliance Ratings of its sponsors, available at

Issues to Watch for 2-3-06 Part One

This week saw George Bush give his State of the Union speech. In it he mispronounced "nuclear" at least four times, and said that by 2030, nearly 60% of the federal budget will be eaten up by "entitlements" such as Social Security and Medicare. Calling for fiscal responsibility, he said that something has to be done about this problem.

Does anyone recall the $800+ billion (in just ten years) liability he pushed through Congress two years ago, otherwise known as the Prescription Drug Benefit, or "Medicare part D"? Does anyone recall how his Congressmen and Senators voted on this patently unconstitutional program? Interesting questions to consider as one listens to the President.

The Ethics and Constitutionality of Welfare Programs on the Federal and State Levels, with State Senator Lou D'Allesandro

on Januray 31, 2006, State Senator Lou D'Allesandro joined Gardner Goldsmith to discuss the "cuts" (you know, the 7.3% increase, rather than the proposed 7.5% increase) in federal funding for welfare programs.

Their conversation led to an analysis of the ethics of redistribution of wealth, and the claims by leftists that the "rich don't pay their fair share". Lou was a good sport in the conversation.

cover of Economics in One Lesson: The Shortest and Surest Way to Understand Basic EconomicsEconomics in One Lesson: The Shortest and Surest Way to Understand Basic Economics

Licensure and Regulation -- The Economics, The Ethics, and the Constitutioinal Ramifications, Part Two

For those who like to know the constitutional issues involved when politicians call for more regulation.

Licensure and Regulation -- The Economics, The Ethics, and The Constitutional Ramifications

Continuing the conversation on HB 1711, "Against the Grain" investigates the rationale and justification for licensure laws, with emphasis on the economic ramifications and the constitutional questions involved. This is part one of two.

Regulating NH Business - More Attempts by Politicians to Control the Lives of Others - Chat With HB 1711 Sponsor Bonnie Mitchell

As noted by the Conspiracy, HB 1711 would require anyone handling propane or natural gas to be trained and licensed. Hear Representative Mitchell defend her proposal, as broadcast on WNTK on 1/31/06.

HB 1711 -- 'Amelia's Bill' -- Another Example of Emotion Working Against Logic and Freedom

Pinpointed by the Samurai Appliance Repairman (, HB 1711 was discussed on "Against the Grain", on January 30, 2006.

The bill is warmly called "Amelia's Law", which, much like the insurance regulatory bill "Michelle's Law", is a bit premature. Like Michell's Bill, Amelia's Bill has a very strong chance of being passed, but that remains to be seen as of this writing.

The story behind Amelia's bill can best be described by Scott, the Samurai:

"This is House Bill 1711 which, in keeping with the current trend, is named after a little girl, Amilia's Law. The story is tragic"

The US Deficit Reduction Act Depicted as 'Cuts' by NH Politicians - Setting the Record Straight

According to the Associated Press, members of the UNH Public Interest Group (a splinter of MassPIRG, the leftist organization about which we long-time residents of NH often heard in Boston news, and which we were happy was not in our state) protested today over the drastic "cuts" in federal student loan assistance. The AP tells us that nearly 13 billion Dollars will be "cut" in loan programs and the federal budget would be cut an overall $40 billion if this Republican proposal becomes law. The only trouble is, there ARE no cuts. Aggregate Federal spending will merely not increase as much as some would like. The budget will INCREASE by 7.3% rather than 7.5%.

cover of Downsizing the Federal GovermentDownsizing the Federal Goverment
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