New Hampshire

NH Legislation Update - Three Contentious Bills: Medical Marijuana, Marriage Amendment, State Definiton of Adequate Education

In the past forty-eight hours, dozens of bills have received votes in the NH House.

The major pro-freedom bill of the two-day period would have decriminalized the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes. It failed today, March 28, but only by nine votes of the 400 member legislature! Great credit must be given to Matt Simon, who worked with great energy and skill to get this idea a fair hearing. We expect to see the bill return!

The anti-freedom education adequacy passed, as expected. Now, the fight turns to the Senate. Please contact ALL the Senators, and tell them to oppose this seizure of local authority over education!! It is paramount that this be fought!


On March 27, at 10 AM, the future of New Hampshire may become dimmer. The House of representatives is scheduled to vote on HB 927, which defines for every town what is an "adequate education". As Conspirators know, adequacy is a subjective term, but it is not stopping the leftists from imposing their will.

Here is an excerpt from an editorial Gard has written for the "New Hampshire Union Leader":


"One of the most popular political and economic treatises published in the 20th Century was a book called “The Road to Serfdom”, by Novel Prize winning economist Frederick Hayek. In it, Hayek investigates the myriad avenues through which our economic well-being and rights are damaged by government intervention, and he shows how, when people are left to promote their own well-being and freely associate with others, they maximize prosperity and efficiency, and minimize waste.

NH Education Bill HB 927 (Hearing Thursday) MUST Be Stopped

Ths first step in a three step process to eliminate local control of education in NH, and to codify multiple illegitimate Supreme Court rulings, hits the House Education Committee on Thursday, March 22, at 9 AM, in the Legislative Office Building. It must be stopped. Here is its text:

And here is why it must be stopped...

The first major problem with this is in the statement of purpose. The opening is very problematic:

"I. The general court embraces its duty to define a constitutionally adequate public education."

The general court does not have a duty to define a "constitutionally adequate education". In fact, the term "adequate education" doesn't appear in the constitution, only in the court mandates following Claremont II, in 1997. This is an abrogation of Section 1, Article Six, and is also overt acquiescence to the court's 2006 Londonderry ruling, which should have merited the removal of the justices.

Dem. Former US Senator Mike Gravel Barred from NH/CNN Presidential Candidate Debate!

As reported by the Drudge Report, Mike Gravel, a Democrat who is running for President, has been barred from a CNN debate, without offering a reason.

Here is the link:
Here is some of the text:

Wed Mar 14 2007 16:41:53 ET

He spoke at the DNC winter meeting standing next to Howard Dean and was at the Nevada candidate's forum with Hillary Clinton, Edwards and the others and he's been invited to ABC's debates, but CNN has barred former U.S. Senator Mike Gravel from their New Hampshire debate, without giving a reason.

NH Anti-Second Amendment Bill Loses BIG on March 14, 2007. Well Done Liberty Advocates!

SB 44, sponsored by the leftist State Senator Peter Burling, was deemed "inexpedient to legislate" today by committee. The bill, which would have given broad discretion to state authorities to revoke firearm licenses or not issue them at all, was hit with a resounding public outcry in testimony today. The term "inexpedient to legislate" means, essentially, that the bill is dead.

Congratulations to all who worked so hard to stop this pernicious bill, and shame on those who supported it. This is a very clear-cut issue, one which even Aristotle understood -- the right to self-defense.

Still to come today: hearings on REAL ID, and a bill to force INTERIOR DESIGNERS to be licensed by the state in order to do their work!

NH Liberty Forum - A HUGE Success! Well Done Organizers, Guests, and Attendees

Between February 22 and 25, 2007, Concord, NH saw upwards of 366 people attend the first annual "Liberty Forum", at the Concord Holiday Inn.

With featured guests each day and night, informative conversations by people knowledgable on politics, gun rights, education, monetary policy, and political philosophy, the Forum attracted people from as far away as Holland and California, and many Conspirators were there as well.

We would like to congratulate the people who helped put this wonderful event together, and wish them great success for the next Forum! The event will undoubtedly attract even more people from the Free State Project to move to NH, and we couldn't be happier about it!

New Devlopments in Ed Funding-"Adequacy"-Court Imposition-Broad-Based Tax Crisis

As many Conspirators know, things have become very busy for Gardner Goldsmith and many of those devoted to liberty in NH. Over the past two days, Gard has been named a Director of the NH Advantage Coaliton (found here: Their first press conference of 2007 was Tuesday, in Concord, where they laid out the picture for NH if something is not done to refute the court in its unsupportable, and unsupported, education funding rulings going back to 1993.

Last night, Gard and his new compatriot, Tammy Simmons, of the NHAC, attended one of the sham "adqeuacy forums" put together by the Governor and some state reps. This was a meeting that gathered in Manchester, and the state legislators and senators who attended got an earful from citizens who actually recognize the impossibility of objectively defining something (an "adequate" education) which is by its nature, subjective. In addition, Gard pointed out that the panel claimed its charge was to hear from citizens about what was a "CONSTITUTIONALLY adequate education." The only trouble for them is that there is no such term written in the NH Constitution.

NH Mandate of 18 Yr Graduation Age to Be Heard Tuesday! Please Pack the Room in Opposition.

As many Conspirators know, the pernicious idea to force towns to keep kids in school until they are 18 has been a pet project of the adored Gov. John Lynch for over a year. Not only is this idea unpractical, it is anti-constitutional, breaching Section One, Article Six of the NH Constitution.

Rich Kahn, the Libertarian candidate for governor in 2006, has sounded the alarm about this. Here is some of what he had to say:

" We have a major issue facing the state of New Hampshire, that is, there is a bill pending before the NH Senate Education Committee which, if passed and signed by the governor, would raise NH's compulsory school attendance age from 16 to 18. This is a hot-button issue for the governor and he would like to see it passed.

NH Gov Lynch's Budget Announces "Cuts" That Aren't -- Anyone Surprised?

Employing once more his tired old phrase that there are "no new taxes" in his proposed budget, John Lynch this week introduced a fiscal plan that looks more like a carnival mystic's prediction of the future. Increasing the cigarette tax once more, he says he is avoiding "new taxes", which is his way of semantically trying to fool people that there aren't any increases in the tax burden on citizens in NH. Bogus? Uh, yeah! If you had taxes of "X" on something, and then the taxes became "X+Y", "Y" would be considered what? Nothing? It's a tax, and it's new. Ahh, but you see since it's not a new CATEGORY of tax, it's not a new tax!

House Panel Recommends Repeal of NH Parental Notification for Underage Abortion Law, Gov Agrees

A House panel is recommending the repeal of the so-called "parental notification" law for minor females who desire abortions.

This law has brought about great disagreement, and was the subject of a lawsuit that went all the way to the US Supreme Court.

The interesting thing to note here is that many of the Reps and Senators who oppose notification of parents prior to an abortion performed on a minor are IN FAVOR of parental CONSENT prior to sixteen-year-olds going to tanning salons. Differing standards? Sure!

Here is the piece from the UL. Please note that Governor Lynch, who is quite animated about protecting children from sexual predators, supports repeal of the notification law...

Your Datebook: Go to The NH Liberty Forum! Feb 22-25!!!!

Please keep in mind what will undoubtedly be the biggest freedom-oriented event thus far in NH history. Beginning Thursday, February 22, and continuing through Sunday, Feb 25th, the New Hampshire Liberty Forum will be rolling like a juggernaut at the Concord Holiday Inn, just off Rt. 293, in the state's capital! The list of speakers is remarkable, including ABC TV's John Stossel, Texas Rep, and Presidential candidate Ron Paul, former US Libertarian Presidential nominee Michael Badnarik, Jack Cole, of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition, Jim Harper, Director of Information Studies at the Cato Institute, Chris Gronski, of the We the People Congress, Former State Rep. Don Gorman, Geoffrey Segal, Director of Government reform for the Reason Foundation, and many more. This is going to be a fantastic event, and we hope you will be able to attend.

cover of Unwarranted Intrusions: The Case Against Government Intervention in the MarketplaceUnwarranted Intrusions: The Case Against Government Intervention in the Marketplace
cover of Reviving the Invisible Hand: The Case for Classical Liberalism in the Twenty-first CenturyReviving the Invisible Hand: The Case for Classical Liberalism in the Twenty-first Century
cover of Shattered Consensus: The True State of Global WarmingShattered Consensus: The True State of Global Warming
cover of Unstoppable Global Warming: Every 1,500 YearsUnstoppable Global Warming: Every 1,500 Years
cover of How Capitalism Saved America: The Untold History of Our Country, from the Pilgrims to the PresentHow Capitalism Saved America: The Untold History of Our Country, from the Pilgrims to the Present
cover of American Health Care: Government, Market Processes, and the Public InterestAmerican Health Care: Government, Market Processes, and the Public Interest

Lynch and Leftists Reveal Anti-Constitutional "Education Adequacy" Amount

As we Conspirators have warned, NH Gov. John Lynch and the leftist Democrats and Republicans in the NH legislature have been very pleased that very few people are aware of what the NH Constitution actually says. With this prevailing ignorance to shield them, and a patently unconstitutional series of NH Supreme Court rulings to back them up, Lynch and his gang have concocted a formula to objectively define what is by its nature a subjective term: "adequate education".

Not only does this break Section One, Article Six, of the NH Constitution, which stipulates that the towns are granted the full power to contract with their education professionals, it assumes as correct the idea that the Judicial Branch can dictate to the legislative Branch how it should write laws.

Not Unexpected! NH Fish and Game WANTS MONEY!

On "Against the Grain", EL G often talks about the empty rationale underlying bureaucrats' calls to garner tax money to support "public goods" such as parks. He has debated state representatives who want to take money from others in order to "save Temple Mountain from development", despite the fact that, when offered as a place for recreation in natural surroundings on a private basis, the mountain has consistently NOT garnered enough business to keep its owners solvent (this has happened more than once at the mountain).

Now comes this report from the Associated Press, in which the functionaries at the NH Dept. of Fish and Game are doing precisely what so many here have predicted. They are telling the politicians in Concord that they just can't keep operating by charging fees for those who use the services (plus the fees for people just to register their snowmobiles, boats, andfishing rods, even if they NEVER use them on state owned land!)

Sean Hannity vs. Gardner Goldsmith

Those of us who were listening to the Sean Hannity show on Friday, February 2, know that a familiar voice took on Mr. "Great American" for not being such a great American after all.

In the middle of Hannity's program, Gard called to remind him of an errant statement made on a previous show. The subject was the Democrat non-binding resolution regarding the "war" in Iraq. Gard observed that he and Sean agreed about the towering hypocrisy of the Dems for granting the President the power to go into Iraq, and retaining the power of the purse over it, but not actually "putting their money where their mouths are" when it came to disapproval of the "war".

2 NH Legislators Follow Massachusetts in Attempt to Force Businesses to Not Serve Trans Fats

Two NH Representatives have jumped into the fray to regulate food servers. Praise gub-ment! They want to BAN the EEEEVIL TRANS FATS!

Paladins they may think they are. But it might seem to observers that: A. How people eat is not a matter for legislators to investigate, and B. The NH Constitution has no provision allowing them to attempt to regulate businesses in this way.

Here is the piece from the AP. What do you think?

"CONCORD, N.H. -- Two Portsmouth Democrats are on a mission to ban New Hampshire restaurants and stores from preparing and selling food made with heart-damaging trans fats.

NH Sexual Predator Law - Ex Post Facto and Dangerous -- Comments from a NH Law Enforcement Officer and Listener

The NH Sexual Predator Law Under John Lynch -- Ex-Post Facto Law -- Comments from a Law Enforcement Officer, and Fellow Conspirator:

After "Against the Grain" and its audience explored the problems of the new Sexual Predators law keeping sexual offenders incarcerated AFTER they had served their time under prior convictions, Gardner Goldsmith received this very interesting and insightful letter from a law enforcement officer who has some major problems with the application of this new standard on people convicted under DIFFERENT laws. This person has many years of experience, and understands the need for protection against sexual predators, but he also understands the concept of proper jurisprudence, and he has trouble with this law. He asked that his identity remain a secret, and Gard has agreed to his very reasonable request. Read his thoughts about this new standard of law, and wonder about the Constitutional restrictions against ex-post facto law.

Important Second Amendment News: NH Senate Bill Pernicious to Rights

The NH Chapter of the Second Amendment Sisters has furnished the latest information about a very bad, very dangerous bill making its way throught the NH Senate. If it becomes law, it will allow the government to severely restrict one's ability to own a firearm.

The bill is entitled SB 44, Sponsored by Senator Burling, and Representatives Hammond and Tholl. Here is the text, forwarded by the SAS (find them at






AN ACT relative to licenses to carry pistols and revolvers.

SPONSORS: Sen. Burling, Dist 5; Rep. L. Hammond, Graf 11; Rep. Tholl, Coos 2

Number 11: Historical Notes on Subverting A Constitutional Republic

Number Eleven has come across a remarkable document, written shortly after the founding of the United States under the Constitution. Many thanks to our fellow Conspirator for the discovery and research!

Here is the piece, written by Philip Freneau, a playwright of the 18th Century whose work mocked the British government:

--"Rules for Changing a Republic [into a Democracy, then] into a Monarchy"--

"Those who had opposed the constitution thought their fears justified by the
conduct of the government that began to function in 1789. Under the
aggressive leadership of Alexander Hamilton, the secretary of the treasury,

Ed Brown, IRS, NH Labor Sec on Minimum Wage and "Against the Grain"

As many people know, Plainfield, NH residents, Ed and Elaine Brown have been found guilty of tax evasion and fraud in relation to their non-payment of federal income taxes for many years.

There is no predicting what will transpire in the Brown case. Federal Marshalls could move on his property now, or any time through late April when the court will sentence him. His wife is in Massachusetts, monitored by electronic bracelet.

There will be more sound to hear soon in this case, for now, take a listen to the moment when Ed hears of the sentence, broadcast on "Against the Grain", with Gardner Goldsmith.

$ Warning: NH Government Offers Nearly $175,000 to Subsidize Ski Industry Promotion

As the Union Leader reported on Tuesday, January 16, the government of New Hampshire is promising to pick up the bulk of $175,000 in promotions for the state tourism and ski industry.

Wouldn't it be nice to get the government to take someone else's tax money to fund promotion of YOUR business?

Here is the story from the UL:

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