
Pernicious NH "Ed Adequacy" Bill Passes House. Here Are Reasons to Defeat It in NH Senate!

This is a copy of an op-ed you may see in your local paper very soon:

HB 927: The Road to Serfdom
March, 2007
P. Gardner Goldsmith

One of the most popular political and economic treatises published in the 20th Century was a book called “The Road to Serfdom”, by Nobel Prize winning economist Frederick Hayek. In it, Hayek investigates the myriad avenues through which our economic well-being and rights are damaged by government intervention, and he shows how, when people are left to promote their own well-being and freely associate with others, they maximize prosperity and efficiency, and minimize waste.


On March 27, at 10 AM, the future of New Hampshire may become dimmer. The House of representatives is scheduled to vote on HB 927, which defines for every town what is an "adequate education". As Conspirators know, adequacy is a subjective term, but it is not stopping the leftists from imposing their will.

Here is an excerpt from an editorial Gard has written for the "New Hampshire Union Leader":


"One of the most popular political and economic treatises published in the 20th Century was a book called “The Road to Serfdom”, by Novel Prize winning economist Frederick Hayek. In it, Hayek investigates the myriad avenues through which our economic well-being and rights are damaged by government intervention, and he shows how, when people are left to promote their own well-being and freely associate with others, they maximize prosperity and efficiency, and minimize waste.

Congress Will Soon Push for Higher CAFE Standards to be Forced on Auto Makers and Consumers

Check out this little gem from the Washington Post:
Politics of Fuel Economy Catch Up to Automakers
War and Worries About Foreign Oil Increase Pressure

By Sholnn Freeman
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, March 21, 2007; Page D01

The auto industry is facing one of its toughest political battles in years as shifts in the political and business landscape have eroded its defenses against stricter fuel-economy standards.

Congressional Democrats and environmental groups have new allies in the fight to mandate higher vehicle mileage, including a coalition of business executives and retired military leaders. President Bush's support of higher standards also has hampered Detroit's efforts to fend off new rules. Increasingly, the war in Iraq and related concerns over U.S. dependence on foreign oil are changing the dynamics of the debate.

NH Education Bill HB 927 (Hearing Thursday) MUST Be Stopped

Ths first step in a three step process to eliminate local control of education in NH, and to codify multiple illegitimate Supreme Court rulings, hits the House Education Committee on Thursday, March 22, at 9 AM, in the Legislative Office Building. It must be stopped. Here is its text:

And here is why it must be stopped...

The first major problem with this is in the statement of purpose. The opening is very problematic:

"I. The general court embraces its duty to define a constitutionally adequate public education."

The general court does not have a duty to define a "constitutionally adequate education". In fact, the term "adequate education" doesn't appear in the constitution, only in the court mandates following Claremont II, in 1997. This is an abrogation of Section 1, Article Six, and is also overt acquiescence to the court's 2006 Londonderry ruling, which should have merited the removal of the justices.

Gore Admits to Exaggerating Global Warming, for Our Own Good, of Course

James Taranto has uncovered a nice bit of information. It concerns Al Gore's admission that he over-emphasizes the influence of man in global warming.

Here is the text of what Taranto found from an interview with "Grist":

Q: There’s a lot of debate right now over the best way to communicate about global warming and get people motivated. Do you scare people or give them hope? What’s the right mix?

Gore: I think the answer to that depends on where your audience’s head is. In the United States of America, unfortunately we still live in a bubble of unreality. And the Category 5 denial is an enormous obstacle to any discussion of solutions. Nobody is interested in solutions if they don’t think there’s a problem. Given that starting point, I believe it is appropriate to have an over-representation of factual presentations on how dangerous it is, as a predicate for opening up the audience to listen to what the solutions are, and how hopeful it is that we are going to solve this crisis.

Watch Them Carefully -- DC Politicians Hold Hearings That Include Warnings About Internet

As you will see in the attached piece from the "Washington Times", Congressmen and Senators are beginning to sound the same, tired, Gingrich-like rhetoric about the "unregulated" use of the internet by us low-lifes. Why? Because the internet can be used to spread radical Islamic propaganda, and to recruit people to their anti-western cause.

It is valid to say that the net can be, and is being, used to recruit. Of course, in order to recruit people to a cause, one has to have a cause, and much of that hatred for the west is predicated on the jihadist defense of the "holy land" against the infidel invaders, ie, the jihadists are attracted to the cause because of western actions inside the Middle East. One can argue that this is a rationale created by the radical Islamist leaders, who would find any way they could to recruit followers in their quest to take Saudi Arabia, and its oil riches, but that is debatable. Internal communications exposed to western eyes have shown that the radical Islamists use the western presence in the Middle East as the primary recruiting tool, not western culture or western economic status.


With great thanks to Dutch fellow Conspirator Andre Somberg, we would like to draw your attention to something that has been out on the web for the past few days, and deserves multiple viewings, recommendations and high praise.

Shortly after attending the NH Liberty Forum between February 22 and the 25th, Andre mentioned that there was a documentary coming to British television that would surprise many people. Entitled "The Great Global Warming Swindle", the program is authoritative and solid in the science. It features scientists who were once attached to the UN IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) and who left in disgust over the political agenda they saw, and it also features many speakers who have appeared on "Against the Grain" and who have sound files available in our archives.

cover of Unstoppable Global Warming: Every 1,500 YearsUnstoppable Global Warming: Every 1,500 Years

CA Appeals Court Rules Dying Woman Can be Prosecuted under Federal Statute for Using Marijuana -- States' Rights Disregarded

Once more, the unconstitutional federal drug prohibitions have been upheld by judges who seem more interested in serving political agendas than in serving justice or the US Constitution.

In a continuation of a case that went to the Supreme Court two years ago, a 41 year old woman suffering from a tumor and scoliosis tried to bring a new defense to the table. She was rebuffed again. Here is the article from the AP:
Calif. appeals court rules against dying woman in medical marijuana case
By Associated Press.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007 - Updated: 05:10 PM EST

SAN FRANCISCO -- A California woman whose doctor says marijuana is the only medicine keeping her alive can face federal prosecution on drug charges, a U.S. appeals court ruled Wednesday.

A Sirrius-XM Merger Crisis? The Federal Influence on Broadcasting Gets More Poisonous

As has been noted by many Conspirators, the rationale often offered by politicians to support their continued control of the airwaves is that the radio spectrum is a "limited resource". Of course, being limited does not mean it ought to be owned by the government. In fact, it means just the opposite. A "scarce" resource ought to be husbanded through the drives of the consumers in the market, not politically driven special interests and Congressmen. One could argue that TREES are, at any given time, a limited resource, because we could, potentially use them all up without enough to replace them. But, even if this were the case, it would not convince anyone that the federal government should regulate the content of books, newspapers and magazines.

El G Piece on Edwards and Jesus Published Today, Find It at Human Events...

Gardner Goldsmith's latest piece, in which he takes on John Edward's concept that charity begins with government bureaucrats and that Jesus Christ would be "appalled" by the selfishness of Americans, has just been published by Human Events, the longest-running conservative publication in America.

Those selfish people. How dare they keep publishing? Here is the link:

John Edwards Channels Jesus, Says Christ Would Be "Appalled" by Americans' "Selfishness" -- Will It Never Stop?

Speaking to a website interviewer from, the former US Senator and current Presidential candidate claimed, "I think that Jesus would be disappointed in our ignoring the plight of those around us who are suffering and our focus on our own selfish short-term needs," Edwards told the site. "I think he would be appalled, actually."

This is the same man who supports federally funded abortions, for those of you who are interested in checking a supposed Christian's hypocrisy, and for those who aren't Christian, but perhaps believe in the philosophical tenets of the Judeo-Christian traditions that formed this nation, there IS this set of rules called the Ten Commandments. One of them is That Shall Not Steal.

Canadians Say US Violates "Human Rights" Due to CO2 Emissions?!!

In the latest witch trial-like permutation of the "anthropogenic global warming" cult, a group of Canadians wants the US Government cited for "human rights violations" over the change in temperature that they claim is caused by man.

Since, they say, the US uses the largest proportion of oil and emits the most CO2, we should be held responsible for hunters falling through thin ice.

Of course we should!

Here is the text of the piece, from, and after you read it, you might want to read our friend Mac Johnson's piece on what the US CREATES with its use of oil and release of CO2. We are far more productive than any major nation in this regard. The piece by Mac can be found here

Aussies Hold Conference Debunking Anthropogenic Global Warming

Here is the report, from The Age:

Greenhouse sceptics to congregate

Katharine Murphy and Brendan Nicholson, Canberra and Richard Baker
February 28, 2007
Latest related coverage

HARD-CORE global warming sceptics will descend on Canberra today for the release of a book claiming environmentalism is the new religion.

Former mining executive Arvi Parbo will launch Ray Evans' new publication, Nine Facts About Climate Change, at a function at Parliament House.

The book claims climate change is nothing new and declares Howard Government investments in solar power and in cleaning up coal a "complete waste of taxpayers' money".

UN Recommends Global Carbon Tax -- What a Surprise!

The latest development in the religion that man is creating global warming and can also stop or slow its progress, is this idea from the United Nations: Tax carbon, and create a "Global Temperature Ceiling". YEAHH!

Very exciting, yes, yes...

Here is the article. Refer to the Dutch study mentioned here earlier as a way to compare approaches to politics and science.
Climate Panel Recommends Global Temperature Ceiling, Carbon Tax
By Peter Heinlein (GROK! - ed)
United Nations
28 February 2007

A panel of scientists has presented the United Nations a detailed plan for combating climate change. VOA's correspondent at the U.N. Peter Heinlein reports the strategy involves reaching a global agreement on a temperature ceiling.

More on Gore Hypocrisy re Energy Use

The Hollywood adoration of Al Gore couldn't stop the facts about his hypocrisy from being exposed. In fact, all one has to do is THINK about his work to realize that he subsumes his environmental objectives for his own personal pleasure.

Here is a good piece from the AP on Gore's exposure during this supposed time of anthropogenic global warming:

Group: Gore a Hypocrite Over Power Bill

Feb 27 11:40 PM US/Eastern

Associated Press Writer

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) -- Al Gore, a leading voice against global warming, is being criticized by a conservative group that claims his Nashville mansion uses too much electricity. A Gore spokeswoman said the former vice president invests in enough renewable energy to make up for the home's power consumption.

Holland's Andre Somberg Supplies Info on Independent Summary Report Re: UN IPCC + Claims of Anthropogenic Global Warming

One of the many sharp individuals visiting the NH Liberty Forum between Feb 22 and 25 was a man from the Netherlands named Andre Somberg. Andre, a technical entrepreneur, has been watching a large number of issues, and has supplied the Conspiracy with details of an independent report that counters many of the spurious claims made by the politicized IPCC of the UN.

The author of the report is a man named Arthur Rorsch, who is a retired Dutch scientist in the field of climatology. It comes in the form of a Powerpoint presentation, and here are a few of his key points about the IPCC and its political agenda:

cover of Unstoppable Global Warming: Every 1,500 YearsUnstoppable Global Warming: Every 1,500 Years

"Guest Workers" Often Mistreated -- Still Want the Federal Government Handling Immigration?

We have often cited at the Conspiracy the trio of points that government restrictions on immigration politicize what ought to be market processes, retard economic productivity, and are unconstitutional on a federal level.

The debate on the other side of the statist isle has usually been whether the feds should allow lots of immigrants to stay, or ship them back, whether the federal government should build a wall along our southern border, or allow passes to the people who comply to their rules; whether to spy on businesses to see if they are hiring "illegals", or let them do their business.

NH Liberty Forum - A HUGE Success! Well Done Organizers, Guests, and Attendees

Between February 22 and 25, 2007, Concord, NH saw upwards of 366 people attend the first annual "Liberty Forum", at the Concord Holiday Inn.

With featured guests each day and night, informative conversations by people knowledgable on politics, gun rights, education, monetary policy, and political philosophy, the Forum attracted people from as far away as Holland and California, and many Conspirators were there as well.

We would like to congratulate the people who helped put this wonderful event together, and wish them great success for the next Forum! The event will undoubtedly attract even more people from the Free State Project to move to NH, and we couldn't be happier about it!


Al Gore has won a little metal statue from a bunch of self-righteous leftists.

Thought you'd want to know.

Had something to do with a bogus "hockey stick".

New Devlopments in Ed Funding-"Adequacy"-Court Imposition-Broad-Based Tax Crisis

As many Conspirators know, things have become very busy for Gardner Goldsmith and many of those devoted to liberty in NH. Over the past two days, Gard has been named a Director of the NH Advantage Coaliton (found here: Their first press conference of 2007 was Tuesday, in Concord, where they laid out the picture for NH if something is not done to refute the court in its unsupportable, and unsupported, education funding rulings going back to 1993.

Last night, Gard and his new compatriot, Tammy Simmons, of the NHAC, attended one of the sham "adqeuacy forums" put together by the Governor and some state reps. This was a meeting that gathered in Manchester, and the state legislators and senators who attended got an earful from citizens who actually recognize the impossibility of objectively defining something (an "adequate" education) which is by its nature, subjective. In addition, Gard pointed out that the panel claimed its charge was to hear from citizens about what was a "CONSTITUTIONALLY adequate education." The only trouble for them is that there is no such term written in the NH Constitution.

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