
NH Ed Funding Crisis Press Conference on Tuesday, Feb 20th, LOB, 10:15 am PLEASE BE THERE!!

As noted in our earlier post, the NH Advantage Coalition will be presenting the first in its press conferences to stress the importance that the legislature NOT amend the NH Constitution, and instead, that it rebuff the Court for its patently political and unconstitutional education funding rulings, going back to "Claremont I" in 1993.

Please join the crowd on Tuesday!!!

The text of their press release follows:

"The members of the New Hampshire Advantage Coalition, a bi-partisan, NH-based organization formed to preserve the economic and political blessings that make the state an attractive place to live and work, announced today the start of a new initiative to protect the people of the state from judicial activism and economic ruin.

NH Gov Lynch's Budget Announces "Cuts" That Aren't -- Anyone Surprised?

Employing once more his tired old phrase that there are "no new taxes" in his proposed budget, John Lynch this week introduced a fiscal plan that looks more like a carnival mystic's prediction of the future. Increasing the cigarette tax once more, he says he is avoiding "new taxes", which is his way of semantically trying to fool people that there aren't any increases in the tax burden on citizens in NH. Bogus? Uh, yeah! If you had taxes of "X" on something, and then the taxes became "X+Y", "Y" would be considered what? Nothing? It's a tax, and it's new. Ahh, but you see since it's not a new CATEGORY of tax, it's not a new tax!

Gobal Warming News! Get It before the WORLD BOILS! Gore to Employ PMRC "Explicit Lyric" Bands for Earth Aid Concert in July!

Yesssssss. You read right, Al "the Saint" Gore, is scheduling a world-wide concert to raise awareness about Global Warming, or as Tom Brokaw would say, "Grrrrroble Warnnningggggg, Gardner!".

But these bands, don't they sing songs with explicit lyrics? And wasn't that deemed DANGEROUS by Al and Tipper in the later Eighties? And will all these bands be playing acoustic guitars? Otherwise, they'll use ENERGY! Will it all be provided with solar cells? And if so, what will be used to MAKE the SOLAR cells? One needs metal, plastic, and rubber... and... Hmmm... Forget the POWER for the concerts, and the satellite use to get them up there, what about the WOOD of even the acoustic guitars?!! NOOOOOOO! This concert could DESTROY THE WOORRRRLD! First you have these EVIL bands playing and then you have their instruments, and then you have the media through which the music will be transmitted, and then... OH NO!

cover of Reviving the Invisible Hand: The Case for Classical Liberalism in the Twenty-first CenturyReviving the Invisible Hand: The Case for Classical Liberalism in the Twenty-first Century
cover of Shattered Consensus: The True State of Global WarmingShattered Consensus: The True State of Global Warming
cover of Unstoppable Global Warming: Every 1,500 YearsUnstoppable Global Warming: Every 1,500 Years
cover of How Capitalism Saved America: The Untold History of Our Country, from the Pilgrims to the PresentHow Capitalism Saved America: The Untold History of Our Country, from the Pilgrims to the Present
cover of American Health Care: Government, Market Processes, and the Public InterestAmerican Health Care: Government, Market Processes, and the Public Interest

Your Datebook: Go to The NH Liberty Forum! Feb 22-25!!!!

Please keep in mind what will undoubtedly be the biggest freedom-oriented event thus far in NH history. Beginning Thursday, February 22, and continuing through Sunday, Feb 25th, the New Hampshire Liberty Forum will be rolling like a juggernaut at the Concord Holiday Inn, just off Rt. 293, in the state's capital! The list of speakers is remarkable, including ABC TV's John Stossel, Texas Rep, and Presidential candidate Ron Paul, former US Libertarian Presidential nominee Michael Badnarik, Jack Cole, of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition, Jim Harper, Director of Information Studies at the Cato Institute, Chris Gronski, of the We the People Congress, Former State Rep. Don Gorman, Geoffrey Segal, Director of Government reform for the Reason Foundation, and many more. This is going to be a fantastic event, and we hope you will be able to attend.

cover of Unwarranted Intrusions: The Case Against Government Intervention in the MarketplaceUnwarranted Intrusions: The Case Against Government Intervention in the Marketplace
cover of Reviving the Invisible Hand: The Case for Classical Liberalism in the Twenty-first CenturyReviving the Invisible Hand: The Case for Classical Liberalism in the Twenty-first Century
cover of Shattered Consensus: The True State of Global WarmingShattered Consensus: The True State of Global Warming
cover of Unstoppable Global Warming: Every 1,500 YearsUnstoppable Global Warming: Every 1,500 Years
cover of How Capitalism Saved America: The Untold History of Our Country, from the Pilgrims to the PresentHow Capitalism Saved America: The Untold History of Our Country, from the Pilgrims to the Present
cover of American Health Care: Government, Market Processes, and the Public InterestAmerican Health Care: Government, Market Processes, and the Public Interest

The Most Beautiful Girl, Hillary, on Economic Policy, Part One - A THIRTY Minute Audio Analysis!

Remember, when we say "beautiful", we mean internal beauty, not physical beauty. Use of such a term might be interpreted by some as a dig against Senator Clinton's physical appearance, when it is not. In fact, by even bringing this up, some might think we are implying that Senator Clinton is not physically attractive. Jeesh, this is tricky stuff!

Anyway, Hillary was recently praised in many states for her announcement to Democrats that there needed to be a broad domestic-economic change in the US. The "partnership" between the government and "working Americans" needs to be reestablished.

Lynch and Leftists Reveal Anti-Constitutional "Education Adequacy" Amount

As we Conspirators have warned, NH Gov. John Lynch and the leftist Democrats and Republicans in the NH legislature have been very pleased that very few people are aware of what the NH Constitution actually says. With this prevailing ignorance to shield them, and a patently unconstitutional series of NH Supreme Court rulings to back them up, Lynch and his gang have concocted a formula to objectively define what is by its nature a subjective term: "adequate education".

Not only does this break Section One, Article Six, of the NH Constitution, which stipulates that the towns are granted the full power to contract with their education professionals, it assumes as correct the idea that the Judicial Branch can dictate to the legislative Branch how it should write laws.

Rep. Dana Rohrabacker (R - CA) Exposes the UN Climate Panel for the Sham It Is

On Thursday, Feb 8, California Congressman Dana Rohrabacker slammed the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change of the UN for its sloppy and biased work on man-made global warming.

Listen to the excerpt from his exchange with Dr. Susan Soloman of the UN and NOAA, as he tries to get a straight answer about the percentage of CO2 in the atmosphere that is produced by man, and the percentage that is produced naturally. This is at the heart of the debate. The scientists testifying at this sham "hearing" could only refer to general changes in either temperature (and the stats on that are collected in such a way as to make as dramatic as possible the changes in global temp since the mid 19th Century, which was the end of the "Little Ice Age") or CO2, but not, at any time, any data concerning the percentage of MAN-MADE CO2, which is at the heart of the debate about MAN'S EFFECT on the climate. Washington State Rep Brian Baird (D) attempted to overlook this glaring lack of information, turning the testimony about changes in parts per million of CO2 into a parthenogenic snowball (to stick with the climate motif) that, since CO2 has risen, the percentage that MAN is inputting must be increasing. But compared to WHAT? Could there be a general increase in CO2 due to natural phenomena? One would have to have data on the percentage made by man 100 years ago or more, and the percentage made by man today, RELATIVE to the percentage made in nature. Simply citing a general trend in CO2 levels gives one no more idea of what is CAUSING it than if one were to measure ambient room noise in a house at various times, and claim it is due to the ownership of a new dog. What if the measurements were taken during times that included thunderstorms, or parties, or what if the dog were never allowed in the home? This is such sloppy science, is so politically driven it is laughable. Baird doesn't consider these important factors, despite his claim that he once taught "Scientific Method" (oooooh).

cover of Shattered Consensus: The True State of Global WarmingShattered Consensus: The True State of Global Warming

Not Unexpected! NH Fish and Game WANTS MONEY!

On "Against the Grain", EL G often talks about the empty rationale underlying bureaucrats' calls to garner tax money to support "public goods" such as parks. He has debated state representatives who want to take money from others in order to "save Temple Mountain from development", despite the fact that, when offered as a place for recreation in natural surroundings on a private basis, the mountain has consistently NOT garnered enough business to keep its owners solvent (this has happened more than once at the mountain).

Now comes this report from the Associated Press, in which the functionaries at the NH Dept. of Fish and Game are doing precisely what so many here have predicted. They are telling the politicians in Concord that they just can't keep operating by charging fees for those who use the services (plus the fees for people just to register their snowmobiles, boats, andfishing rods, even if they NEVER use them on state owned land!)

2 NH Legislators Follow Massachusetts in Attempt to Force Businesses to Not Serve Trans Fats

Two NH Representatives have jumped into the fray to regulate food servers. Praise gub-ment! They want to BAN the EEEEVIL TRANS FATS!

Paladins they may think they are. But it might seem to observers that: A. How people eat is not a matter for legislators to investigate, and B. The NH Constitution has no provision allowing them to attempt to regulate businesses in this way.

Here is the piece from the AP. What do you think?

"CONCORD, N.H. -- Two Portsmouth Democrats are on a mission to ban New Hampshire restaurants and stores from preparing and selling food made with heart-damaging trans fats.

Gore Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize

Global Warming, Al Gore... Peace Prize.

Or, as Basil Fawlty once asked, "Is this a PIECE of your brain?"

Here is the story, from All Headline News:

Al Gore Nominated For Nobel Prize

February 1, 2007 12:30 p.m. EST

Julie Farby - All Headline News Staff Writer
Oslo, Norway (AHN) - After receiving wide-spread acclaim and an Academy Award nomination for his 2005 film documentary "An Inconvenient Truth," on the dangers of global warming, former Vice President and 2000 Presidential candidate Al Gore was nominated for the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize for his work bringing attention to the oft-overlooked topic....

US Senate Passes Minimum Wage Order, Reconciliation with House Next

The US Senate has done it again. They have spurned the ideas of the Founding Fathers and passed their own increase in the "Minimum Wage", $2.10 over two years. This matches the House version, but the Senate also passed tax breaks for small businesses, and Nacy Pelosi will not stand for that.

Here is something Conspirators will want to watch closely, and remember.


WASHINGTON Feb 1, 2007 (AP)— The Senate voted overwhelmingly Thursday to boost the federal minimum wage by $2.10 to $7.25 an hour over two years, but packaged the increase with controversial tax cuts for small businesses and higher taxes for many $1 million-plus executives.

Ed Brown, IRS, NH Labor Sec on Minimum Wage and "Against the Grain"

As many people know, Plainfield, NH residents, Ed and Elaine Brown have been found guilty of tax evasion and fraud in relation to their non-payment of federal income taxes for many years.

There is no predicting what will transpire in the Brown case. Federal Marshalls could move on his property now, or any time through late April when the court will sentence him. His wife is in Massachusetts, monitored by electronic bracelet.

There will be more sound to hear soon in this case, for now, take a listen to the moment when Ed hears of the sentence, broadcast on "Against the Grain", with Gardner Goldsmith.

$ Warning: NH Government Offers Nearly $175,000 to Subsidize Ski Industry Promotion

As the Union Leader reported on Tuesday, January 16, the government of New Hampshire is promising to pick up the bulk of $175,000 in promotions for the state tourism and ski industry.

Wouldn't it be nice to get the government to take someone else's tax money to fund promotion of YOUR business?

Here is the story from the UL:

The New Poll: Minimum Wage

Check the left column for the latest Conspiracy Poll.

There are strong forces arraying that are intent on forcing others to do what THEY want when engaged in private, volitional exchange.

None of these politicians is willing to open his own business and offer wages at the rates he wants to force on others. If they were, there would be choice, wouldn't there? And we can't HAVE choice, right?

By the way, new House Speaker says her work in the House of Representatives, everything she does, will be about "Children".

Cute. Ever heard of the US Constitution?

Central Banking Strikes Again

This new wrinkle on the ugly old mug of government monopoly currency control recently appeared in papers across the nation:

There's nothing quite like private property, and the government outlawing
competition in the issuance of currency. Meanwhile, it devalues its own
coinage so much, it then has to prohibit us from melting it down for the
basic constituents!

Enjoy spending your devalued currency.

Fed Judge Rules Money Illegal! Blind People 'Scriminated Against By Treasury Dept!

This ruling brings to mind many thoughts.

It is noted that blind people are at risk of getting ripped off when they have to rely on others to determine the value of the money they have on hand. But aren't ALL U.S. citizens at the mercy of someone who determines the value of their hard-earned cash? You bet. It's called the Federal Reserve.

Here is the story of the blind leading the blind:,23599,20846364-1702,00.html

Blind people certainly have a grievance, a valid one. Their complaint should be wider in scope. If we had a private market for money, blind people could find an alternative source for their legal tender, and this source would make sure the money was exchangable in the market.

Happy Thanksgiving, Happy Private Property

With our regards, here is a piece provided by the Foundation for Economic Education,

All of us at the Foundation for Economic Education would like to wish you a very happy Thanksgiving! We hope that you have a wonderful holiday weekend with safe travels and plenty of time with your family and friends.

This Thanksgiving we would like to share with you a special story about the pilgrims at Plymouth Bay Colony. Their failed experience with collectivism taught them, and reminds us all, that it is only within a system of private property rights that we may experience freedom and prosperity.

US to Require Passports for Nearly All Air Travelers Entering US Beginning Jan 23, 2007

Michael Chertoff announced today that nearly all airline passengers (one wonders if he also means small craft), will be required to carry passports in order to enter the US, beginning January 23. Previously, Canadians, Bermudans, and some Mexicans did not have to show this form of ID.

Here is the AP report:

Legendary Economist Dr. Milton Friedman, Lost to Us at Age 94, November 16, 2006

The well-spoken, and oft-spoken-of economist Dr. Milton Friedman passed away on November 16, 2006.

He will be badly missed by libertarians, conservatives, and even leftists, who no doubt disagreed with him, but did not find him personally disagreeable.

Dr. Friedman began his economics career as a Keynesian, in favor of many of the New Deal policies he woud later recognize as destructive. As a student at the University of Chicago, he studied under such infuential figures as Frank Knight. He later was to teach at U of Chicago, where he cemented a branch of economics and teaching of it called Monetarism, and the Chicago School, respectively.

Milton Friedman Has Died. Rest in Peace, Dr. Friedman

A towering figure in the world of economics, Milton Friedman, died on November 16, 2006.

We will devote more time to the achievements and ideas of Dr. Friedman later today.

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